Subject: ~20% Off Less than 24 Hours Left!

A recent study showed that aspirin is among one of the biggest causes of
ER visits. In their study, The Medication Safety Program at the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention showed that aspirin was involved in
"13 percent of emergency visits!"

According to a study reported in the Journal of the American Medical
Association (JAMA), even short term use of Tylenol can cause serious health
problems for your liver!

Healthy participants with no sign of liver failure used acetaminophen at
recommended doses for only four days. At the end of the four days, blood
tests revealed significant increases in certain liver enzymes which have
been shown in the past to be key indicators of serious problems and damage
occurring in the liver.

What's the alternative for pain?

What do you do when you want comfort without the risk?

As a chemist and father, I asked these questions over a decade ago!

Then I developed

And it's on sale all day at - Save 20%!


Relief FX has been used for all types of pain - birth pain, growing
pains, lifting pains, you name it. We also use it as a sport supplement
to stop the burning pain that stems from lifting too damn's
nothing less than amazing.

And for a short time you can get it for 20% off!

I call it an outrage sale because it's outrageous that today's only choice for
pain relief are toxic liver killers...Unless you're one of the lucky ones who
has Relief FX!

Hurry and get your supply at:

Ditch the meds,

The People's Chemist

P.S. If you don't mind the bitterness, Relief FX works even faster
if you open the capsules and dump into water, then drink! Enjoy!
Stock up now at - Everything works faster outside of
a capsule. Though, I only use organic, all-natural gelatin to ensure fast
absorption! Anything else like "veggie" caps or hypromellose is a threat
to absorption and efficacy! Learn more at and get
20% off!