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But first, let me say, it amazes me how many people in the US pop pills
without reading a damn label...

I get it. Books are heavy. Pages take effort to turn.

But for Gawd's sake, they really should read a f@#cking label every now and

...I’ve been a medicinal chemist for almost 25 years and
have read libraries worth of books on molecular structure, function
and design. In fact, when I built my house, the bookshelves came
first. Everything else was built around that nucleus.

The average moron can’t take less than one minute to read a headline about the
latest warnings on over-the-counter painkillers like Tylenol, Motrin,
Advil, Aleve, and Aspirin.

Ever notice that?

If they did, they'd see the risks hidden in the fine print...the same risks
that scientists are finding all over the world.

A new study from Taiwan revealed that certain painkiller drugs called
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are linked to kidney
disease...and much more.

And that's taking it at the doses suggested on the bottle!

What are kidney’s used for?

Think Las Vegas…think partying.

They’re good at clearing toxins from your body, not lab derived

Healthy, functioning kidneys are essential for removing wastes and
maintaining your body’s fluid balance. Every day, your precious kidneys
work diligently to filter 120 to 150 quarts of blood…producing about 1 to
2 quarts of urine.

Mess with this delicate system…and you’ll regret it!

No more Vegas…

Think of your kidneys as bouncers guarding the entrance of a night
club…both of them wear a sign saying “Don’t mess with us, or you’ll
be sorry.” They filter out all the junk.

Without functioning kidneys, your body’s insides gradually begin to fall

One great way to destroy your kidneys is to swallow over-the-counter

Researchers examined data on more than 30,000 people with hypertension
(high blood pressure). They found that people who took NSAIDs for at least
three months were 32% more likely to have chronic kidney disease than
participants who didn’t use the pills.

In other words, people who took NSAIDs literally destroyed their kidneys!

This is THE UGLY TRUTH about OTC painkillers that no one gives a sh#t
about…except, of course, those who want to live young.

If you have high blood pressure, you’re especially at risk of kidney
failure by using NSAIDS.

The doctors who recommend these OTC painkillers are apathetic a$$holes who
don’t know any other way…

Prescription NSAIDs like naproxen (Naprosyn) and celecoxib (Celebrex) are
no better. Just because a f#@king drug is PRESCRIBED to you by a doctor
doesn’t mean it’s safe.

If you find yourself feeling pain…don’t risk using a
kidney-obliterating excuse for a “painkiller.”

Instead, use Relief FX — my safe natural pain relief solution:

FOR 20% OFF!

It’s great for headaches, fever, arthritis, menstrual cramps, and sore

Plus, Relief FX works in 16 minutes…and you won’t develop kidney
disease by using it. That means more fun times in Vegas!


To protecting your kidneys,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Before you swallow that risky over-the-counter painkiller, think
twice! NSAIDS such as aspirin, ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) and naproxen
(Aleve) are NOT safe…they’re dangerous. Taking them is like asking for
kidney disease. So trash your NSAIDS…and use the safer pain relief
alternative, Relief FX at: - SAVE 20% FOR THE NEXT 5