Subject: ~2 Year Old Brings Home Nasty Stuff!


My 2 year old, Skyler, lives in non-stop attack mode. He doesn't stop
moving until he passes out at 7:30 am. If he's not climbing chairs and
tables, he's rolling around dirty wrestling mats with his brother. Just
last weekend he chipped his front tooth while fighting over a glass cup, while
standing on a skateboard.

He hates baths, getting his diaper changed and sitting in a stroller.

Let him roam, he's just fine.

And, just like any 2 year old, he loves to bring home coughs and colds.

The third of four kids, I've learned that they are little petri dishes, exposing
mom and dad to the most nasty of infections. Skyler is no exception.

But we don't let it drag us down.

Everyone in our family has a super robust immune systems thanks to

With biological nasties everywhere, Immune FX is your best weapon against
all types of infection – because it works with your immune system, not
against it. is the #1 replacement to toxic vitamin D, antibiotics
and anti-virals!

Immunity threats are everywhere…it’s disgusting, actually. A single
gram of feces can contain more than 10 million viruses, 1 million bacteria,
1,000 parasite cysts and 100 parasite eggs. Our world is a breeding ground
for illness. But you don’t have to be a victim to this fact. Instead, you
can minimize the everyday risk of infection by strengthening your immunity,

The outstanding ability of our immune system to ward off infection was
recently highlighted in Noble Prize winning science. Scientists Bruce
Beutler and Jules Hoffmann discovered that humans are hard-wired with
special receptors that recognize foreign invaders and activate our immune
response to protect us. It’s like having a massive, protective army on
watch around the clock.

But in order to activate these sentinels, we need to supply the body with
high-quality fuel derived from natural products to feed and nourish our
very complex immune system. Decades of science show that the active
ingredients in Immune FX are the true answer for harnessing the protective
power of this ultra-potent, anti-infection machine.

A house without is a house waiting for infection!

Stock up and protect yourself at

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Immune FX delivers the most potent form of andrographis on the planet!
Using state of the art chemistry I test every batch I make for the active
ingredients, andrographolides. These are nature's most potent immune
boosters and the healthiest way to boost immunity. Don't wait: