Subject: 2 Min Video: $5 Oil Banishes Wrinkles and Skin Cancer!


I have something to tell you.

...Don't shoot me. I'm just relaying the facts.

Most of the crap you're rubbing on your skin is
causing excess wrinkles and cancer.

I made a free video to show you how to stop
sabotaging your skin with an oil from
that costs about $5 per month.

...Stop the internal dialogue for just a moment.

I don't sell it.

I don't even know anyone at the company. Thus, I'm not making
any money from the recommendation.

If you are new to The People's Chemist, let me be up front. Most
people are either stupid, misinformed or simply don't give a shit.
Therefore, many are getting duped into poor health.

I work to change that with free videos and educational material
that show you how to make better choices.

This video is one of them.

Watch it at

Dare to Live Young!

The People's Chemist

PS. My best selling, barely legal fat burning pill - Thermo FX - is nearly
sold out. If you are running low, consider this a warning.