Subject: 2 Combo Products for Youthful Joints


Paula sent this to my email...

"When I was about 10 years old, I was run over by a bike. Ever since then,
I've had knee pain."

"Then when I was 20-21 years old, I had some volleyball injuries and
suffered from shoulder pain," she adds. "After that, I was diagnosed with
tensional tendonitis."

Imagine setting fire to your joints. That’s what extreme, tensional tendinitis
feels like. Your nerves become frayed. Like an overused shoestring, tiny
nerve fibers are overcome with inflammation.

I’ve been there.

Years of grappling have put me face to face with this severe annoyance.
As a chemist, I’ve been fortunate to overcome it fast, unlike Paula.

In her case, she clearly had not given her body what it needed to heal.

The pain got so bad that getting dresses was painful.

"Lifting my arms to put on shirts, or moving them to the back when putting
on a jacket would cause so much pain that I wanted to cry," she says.
"During nights, I was in so much pain. I had no position to move my arms in
to limit the pain."

By some stroke of luck, Paula came across

"After suffering pain in my shoulder joints for 12 years, I decided to try
Joint FX for myself."

It doesn't matter what level of pain someone is in – Joint FX
conquers it. That’s because it activates the body’s own unique healing

Like the hormones of pregnancy yield ribs, organs and everything
else to make a new child, our healing hormones yield new, pain-free joints
courtesy of

Since Joint FX contains no toxic ingredients and comes directly from Mother
Nature, it’s 1000x safer than over-the-counter and prescription
painkillers like Tylenol, aspirin and Advil and Ibuprofen.

It works directly on your joints to soothe grinding pain.

Athletes, people with osteoarthritis, and anyone who's ever injured their joints love!

"Since I was a child, my knee pain would come and go for many years.
Acupuncture was the only thing that helped – until I found Joint FX,"
says Paula. "Today several years later, I am pain-free. When pain does
return, it's just temporary. Thanks Shane, for helping me and for
everything you're doing to keep us healthy!"

It took Paula 30 years to get over the knee pain from her bicycle

With Joint FX, you can start healing and be free from joint pain in 16 minutes.

I'm serious. Ask my kids, my wife and anyone else like Paula who have
used it! Try it and see!

Plus, when you consistently take Joint FX for at least 6 months, it
actually REVERSES joint damage and REBUILDS cartilage!

The longer you take it, the more it rebuilds your cartilage.

Start using it now to live young at

Dare to live young!

The People’s Chemist

P.S. While helps ACTIVATE your healing hormones,
there’s a topical cream you can buy over the counter that helps the body
DELIVER those hormones to the joints! It’s known as Boswellin Cream.
Rubbing it on your joints increases blood flow to that area. With more
blood, you get more healing hormones carried to the site of damage!

You can purchase Boswellin Cream at Look for the active
ingredients capsaicin and methyl salicylate.

I use this preventively, too. Rub it on before your workouts to increase
effectiveness. Using Joint FX and Boswellin Cream in tandem is risk free
and far more effective than Tylenol, Ibuprofen and Aspirin!