Subject: ~$130 FREE Offer with BP Cure!

Ultra-Potent Hawthorn Controls BP, Strengthens Heart, And Dissolves Unruly Blood Clots  
"I failed a treadmill test in July. I became dizzy and was unable to even complete it. I was referred to a cardiologist who performed a stress Echocardiogram on me. They determined I'd had a heart attack in early 2015. It couldn't have been that bad, because I didn't even know I'd had

"My stress echo indicated an EF of 20."

An echo or echocardiogram is a measure of the heart's energy. It measures EF (ejection fraction) — which is the amount of blood pumped from the heart with each beat.

Like a fire hydrant spraying water, you want blood dispersed courtesy of a high EF. Normal is 50 to 75. The lower the EF number, the more at risk your heart is for failing. The test provides a general indication of a person's overall cardiovascular health.

David's heart was pushing out a trickle.

Not willing to take an early trip to the grave, he knew he had to reverse the damage and bulletproof his cardiovascular system quick. He had to strengthen his heart.

"A friend told me about The People's Chemist' and his supplements…so I ordered Cardio FX. "Within three months I went from an EF of 20 to an EF of 29! Today I'm able to do daily fast walks of 1 to 3 miles. I was able to complete the last stress echo without dizziness. Thank you for
everything you're doing."

Damn, David…close call!

Those are some pretty impressive, MEASURABLE RESULTS.

All too often people hope and pray for their vitamins and supplements to work. That's not how it's supposed to be.

Medicine shouldn't be a religion.  
Pills either work or they don't.  And you gauge their effectiveness through positive, measurable results.

That's the foundation of The People's Chemist. As a medicinal chemist, I design everything around measurable results.

Now that David's heart is pumping out more blood with every beat, he has the strength to walk miles without getting dizzy! In time, his muscle and hormones will respond to the increased activity. Then he'll be living young in no time, without prescription drugs!

Loaded with hawthorn, garlic, grape seed extract, and magnesium citrate, Cardio FX is the "godfather" of heart strengthening.

No need to take risky heart meds, statins, blood pressure meds, or any other prescription drugs designed to keep a "barely alive" heart barely alive…In fact, NONE of these meds will increase EF or strengthen the heart!

Strengthen your heart now with Cardio FX and I'll toss in my Secret Health Files 100% FREE.  Plus, I'll take 20% off Cardio FX!

Secret Health Files is almost 4 hours of 10 minute health briefs that cover the topics most important to your longevity!
It sells for $97!  But yours FREE, today, when you order a 3-pack of Cardio FX!

Buy the 3-Pack of Cardio FX at 20% off and get Secret Health Files totally FREE:  Click here

Sale Ends Friday at Midnight!
Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. More than having a strong heart with Cardio FX (which I take EVERY day, religiously), it means your kids and grandkids can squeeze extra Christmas's out of you and make tons more memories…than if you had wound
up in the grave too soon - either from drugs or a broken heart. Don't be left behind:

P.S.S. Cardio FX is so effective at strengthening and protecting the heart that pro-athletes use it for greater endurance and strength. Just take an hour before athletic competition…Learn more at

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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