Subject: ~12 Hour Special! Cinnamon and Milk Thistle Offer! (No Blood Sugar is Too High to Fix!)

Yesterday I announced low stock alert on CINNERGY, my all natural
blend of cinnamon and milk thistle...its going fast!


Add three bottles of Cinnergy to your cart and you get automatic 15% off.
I'm also tossing in Lab Report #3, which outlines how to conquer
even the most severe blood sugar levels (greater than 300 mg/dl) in a
matter of 30 days!

This is a $49.95 value! And you PAY nothing!

No blood sugar is too high for Cinnergy!

Get it at

(This is not an exaggeration.)

And you can measure how effective Cinnergy is with an A1C test.

Do you know what A1C means?

Increased A1C levels means that sugar is sticking to your insides.
Like gluing a lock shut, this sticky process prevents our cells from
releasing lifesaving hormones.

It's a slow death.

But there's a way out! And a recent testimony proves the clinical science
supporting the simple remedy!

"Two or three months ago I started taking two Cinnergy (
capsules a day. After reviewing my blood work, my doctor asked me what
I had done to reduce my A1C so fast, because, and I quote, “I have a lot of
patients that need to do it”."

In a matter of months, this fan went from being attacked by sugar
to having no complications, whatsoever.

...all because of Cinnergy - my unique combo of milk thistle extract and
compounded cinnamon.

When you're taking it, you can rest assured that it's helping to:

- Clean the liver of tens-of-thousands of toxins
- Reverse Type II diabetes
- Protect the heart from high blood sugar
- Revs up the metabolism

The secret behind why Cinnergy is so potent is because it's PACKED
with medicinal ingredients thanks to my unique extraction process. Plus,
it doesn't have any fillers or additives like chromium, titanium dioxide or
magnesium stearate...

A fan recently emailed to say, "I'm interested in the Cinnergy product that
you wrote about. But I understand that the ingredients are "extracted."Is
that done using a chemical process? And what is the benefit of extracting
the ingredients?"

First of all, I want to applaud this fan for being concerned about the way
this supplement is produced.

Not all fans are so attentive.

Many commercial "vitamin" products, for example, are produced from
synthetic ingredients (including petroleum extracts and coal
tar derivatives) and can be downright harmful!

As "The People's Chemist," I would never use a chemical extraction
process! EVER!

Let me explain more...

The extraction process is simply a way of making the ingredients in
Cinnergy more powerful and potent. And in this case, it's done with
purified water and oil so that I can pull out the entire spectrum of water
and fat soluble compounds.

This is very important to understand!

...Think of it like you're making coffee.

Let's say that you pour half a cup of coffee grounds into a French press
and then steep those grounds in hot water. But instead of drinking the
coffee, you pour it off to the side and discard the used grounds.

Next, add a fresh batch of coffee grounds to the French press. Then heat
the existing coffee again and pour it over the new beans. Once this
second batch has steeped, you pour the coffee to the side again and
throw away the beans.

Now, imagine repeating this process three more times.

At the end of the process you would still have just one batch of coffee -
but it would be FIVE TIMES more potent than the first batch you brewed.
Next, imagine that you take the pot of coffee and slowly evaporate the
water. This would leave only the solids behind.

These solids are your healing gems in Cinnergy!

They are your sugar shield!

In this example, just one small capsule might have the same amount of
caffeine that would normally be found in five cups of coffee!

…Now think how that translates into providing a pill loaded with the
healing and protective compounds from cinnamon and milk thistle!

Thus, a water/oil extraction is a perfectly natural and time-tested process
that can greatly enhance the potency of an ingredient. And that's exactly
what I do with Cinnergy.

The cinnamon is extracted five times, while the milk thistle goes through
the process four times. The end result is a highly potent, detoxifying,
anti-aging, fat burning and health promoting natural supplement.

…my wife likes to call it her "sexy body insurance” because by controlling
blood sugar and insulin levels, it SLOWS the aging process, too!


--------> SHORT TIME!

Add three bottles of Cinnergy to your cart and you get automatic 15% off.
I'm also tossing in Lab Report #3, which outlines how to conquer
even the most severe blood sugar levels (greater than 300 mg/dl). This is
a $49.95 value!

No blood sugar is too high for Cinnergy!

Get it at

If you were to buy the weak cinnamon and milk thistle products sold in
retail stores, you would be paying double or triple! (I’m yelling that.)
Cinnergy is so potent that it remains in your body for days!

A bottle can last as long as seven months!

Do the math!

Save when you add 3 bottles at - I'll also ship for


Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. --------> SHORT TIME!

Add three bottles of Cinnergy to your cart and you get automatic 15% off.
I'm also tossing in Lab Report #3, which outlines how to conquer
even the most severe blood sugar levels (greater than 300 mg/dl). This is
a $49.95 value!

No blood sugar is too high for Cinnergy! Get it at