Subject: ~116 lb girl squats 210 Pounds? (Short VID!)

I was just making fun of my Chief Computer Geek, George...I asked
him if he could squat as much as my 15 yo daughter, Lily.

He said it's not a fair question, she's a pro. LOL

Lily squats 210 pounds. She competes at 116 pounds. It's all in
preparation for her national tournament in June.

I just posted a video of her recent competition. Check it out at

It's a quick look into her daily routine and abilities. Yes, she also runs
her own luxury soap business (, competes in
track, and works at the local coffee shop on the weekends.

(Her prom was Saturday night. She had work on Sunday at 8am.)

Her schedule is brutal but her vitality is off the charts thanks to key habits:

- No snacking
- Only 3 meals per day
- Nothing sweet
- Never drink calories
- Never take synthetic vitamins
- Don't eat anything that comes from a box, package or window

Yes, she slips up...has been caught eating In and Out Burger. Even
busted her eating a candy bar a few weeks ago. It's a life in progress.
You try and try harder...I'm not a health evangelist or fucking alternative
med whacko wearing Blue Blockers with side shields who micro-manages
their kids every move.

Life is about winning and learning. Either way, get back up and keep
fighting. Move on! Never say die. Keep aiming for the top. And she
definitely does that.

See the short vid her 11 yo brother made at

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. George should (at the very least!) be squatting 225 lb, period - every man
should...Here's a tip for guys who want to get stronger: