Subject: 11 Pounds in 7 Days

Courtesy of See the New Crazy Blog Here:


Conrats to Anne! She sent this to me over the weekend.

It reflects the success that many have had with The AM-PM Fat
Loss Discovery:

"I have been following the AM/PM fat loss program. I have been
off sugar [including the hidden or invisible sugars noted in
the eBook] for two weeks, off my LIpitor for 1 month and blood
pressure meds for 10 days and my BP has been 117/70!!!!! I lost
1lb the first week! The stevia and Tryptophan are really helpful.
My sister says I look brighter in my face and eyes. I am hopeful
again. I must admit I am feeling much better."

Is it healthy for Anne to lose so much so fast? In this case yes!
She was on BLOOD PRESSURE MEDS. And these meds are FAT FERTILIZER.
They would make a starving person fat. Thus, getting off of them
and adhering to the program, her body was shedding it faster than

There are plenty of other drugs that cause obesity. I call this DRUG INDUCED OBESITY. They are outlined in THE AM PM FAT LOSS DISCOVERY.

You see, following the habits outline in AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery allows
people to not only lose fat but also get rid of the symptoms associated
with fat, like HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE!

Get The AM PM Fat Loss Discovery here:

Extending your expiration date,

Shane Ellison, M.Sc.
Author Health Myths Exposed 2nd Edition

P.S. See My Crazy New Blog Here: