Subject: 10 Sleep Pill Facts Your Doctor Doesn't Know About

From the Desk of The People's Chemist

40 million Americans suffer from insomnia.

Did you know that a lack of sleep will put you in The Fat Gain Hall of Fame faster than a Celebrity Rehabber can relapse?

"Failure to get a full night's sleep can lead to weight gain or compromise the beneficial effects of a reduced calorie diet on total body fat, according to presentations at SLEEP 2009, the annual meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies," warned New York Daily News.

Lack of sleep increases food and sugar cravings.

Sleep deprivation and irregular sleep patterns also cause spikes in our fat storing hormone insulin the following day. Just imagine all those yesterdays that stretch out over years.

Now look down and take a good look at that spare tire.

How’ve you been sleeping?

Maybe you travel a lot or have anxiety or snore so loud you wake yourself up. The solution may not be as simple as just popping another pill.

As The People's Chemist, I'm here to say, you need to get proper sleep without meds. And today's article shows you why and how.

10 Sleep Pill Facts Your Doctor Doesn't Know About

By Jeff Milano, CEO

Fact #1: Lunesta Causes “Sleep-Driving”

“Sleep-Driving,” is their words, not mine.

Lunesta is a sedative-hypnotic.

One of its warnings is that it makes you do dangerous things you will not remember doing in the morning. You won’t even know what you did until your spouse sees you on TMZ.

You may stop to pick up Charlie Sheen & Gary Busey in your son’s new Camaro and go tearing off to Vegas at 2 AM, and never remember it…Can you imagine getting stopped by the police in this state of mind?

Fact #2: Lunesta Makes You A Nervous Wreck and Suffocates Sex Drive

Lunesta causes anxiety, nervousness and dizziness…along with nervousness according to the FDA.

You can also expect dry mouth, headache, indigestion, lightheadedness, nausea, vomiting and an unpleasant taste. Vomit will do that.

Additionally, you can suffer a decrease in sexual desire and drowsiness. Drowsiness? You can kiss your love life good-bye on Lunesta. If that doesn’t make you nervous, don’t worry, the drug will!

Fact #3: Rozerem Makes Your Insomnia WORSE

The most common side effects of taking Rozerem are drowsiness, fatigue and worsening of insomnia. I guess the idea here is that if you get tired enough, you’ll eventually just fall asleep. Hopefully, you’re not a pilot.

Fact #4: Ambien Will Ruin the Ambience

Ambien’s most common side effects are daytime drowsiness, dizziness, diarrhea and difficulty with coordination. If diarrhea strikes while you’re out, you’re in trouble, because you might fall asleep before you’re done.

Fact #5: Halcion Causes You to Take Painkillers

One of the more common side effects of taking Halcion is headaches, but it’s not the only one. It also causes drowsiness, dizziness, nervousness, difficulty with coordination, lightheadedness and nausea or vomiting. Sleep tight!


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Fact #6: Alcohol is Addictive

In all fairness, many people use alcohol to help them sleep, among other things. Alcohol also leads to weight gain, diabetes, heart disease, liver failure and at the very least, hangovers & divorces. You don’t need to be a drunken bum to sleep like one.

Fact #7: Antidepressants Make Your Life a Living Hell

Antidepressants are used to handle insomnia, because doctors & drug companies have no idea how to help you sleep and these are the “default” drugs to prescribe for anything they don’t know anything about. Drug companies are now saying, “Insomnia is a symptom of depression”, but the FDA has not approved the use of antidepressants to treat insomnia. Insomnia isn’t a symptom of depression, but it can make you feel like you’re “losing it” after just 3 days.

Shane describes the danger best in his talks, “If I get mad at someone and I want to punch them and nothing is influencing my actions, what happens? Nothing! I walk away annoyed, at worst.”

“What if I’ve had too much tequila and I get mad at some guy who insults my wife and I want to punch them? Now, what happens? They’re laying on their back and I feel like an idiot, at best. At worst, I don’t feel anything at all.”

And the latter, is what antidepressants do best – they make you feel nothing at all and can cause you to take part in actions you would have previously not done, like tequila.

Let’s go one step further, say you own a gun and before you were on antidepressants, it was just a gun and sometimes you got annoyed at people, but the thought NEVER crossed your mind….Now, you’re on antidepressants and someone REALLY pisses you off. What do you think is going to happen now that you don’t feel anything anymore anyway?

At the root of every single public shooting is a shooter on antidepressants. Fact.

Fact #8: Serzone Will Cause You to Rest In Peace (RIP)

The main warning of the most common antidepressant to treat insomnia, Serzone, is liver failure, which also results in death. Serzone will help you rest alright, rest in peace, for eternity. Are you really that tired that you’re ready to just cash in your chips?

Fact #9: Even Melatonin is Far From Mellow

Melatonin is known to cause mental impairment, severe headaches and nightmares. If you’re trying to sleep, it isn’t going to be any easier with a severe headache while looking forward to another visit from Freddie Kruger.

Fact #10: Natural Herbs Help You Sleep Like a Drunken Bum, “Naturally”

The People’s Chemist designed Serotonin FX to help you get a good night’s sleep with NO harmful side effects; just deep REM sleep, so you feel refreshed in the morning.

Sleep well for two weeks and see if you have any anxiety left.

You’ll sleep like a drunken bum. It even helps curb sugar cravings the entire next day, because it contains the amino acid L-Tryptophan which works to eliminate your “brains urge to have a sugar surge:”

…That’s a big help to anyone trying to prevent weight gain.


All Natural, Fast Acting Formula Triggers the Simultaneous Production of Deep Sleep and Anti-Aging Hormones

Made by The People’s Chemist: 1 to 3 month supply $40.00 (as low as $13 per month)

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Jeffrey Milano
CEO The People’s Chemist

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Natural Cures Watchdog is published by Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison. He is an award-winning chemist with a masters degree in organic chemistry and author of Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, winner of the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award. Get it free at

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