Subject: 10 Pain Pill Facts Your Doctor doesn't Know About

From the Desk of The People's Chemist

Millions suffer from pain, joint pain, tendon pain, muscle pain, migraine pain, you name it. And many don't know the risks of commonly used pain pills.

Reaching for pain pills can easily turn into a chronic addiction. The side effects are literally, deadly. Living young, to someone who is in chronic pain is a distant memory. To avoid the Pain Pill Merry-Go-Round, learn about 10 Pain Pill Facts Your Doctor Doesn't Know About. below.

The safe alternatives are found at number 10. Don't skip to it!

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10 Pain Pill Facts Your Doctor Doesn't Know About

By Jeff Milano, CEO

Fact #1: Cymbalta Causes “79 Possible Side Effects”

According to WebMD, Cymbalta – an anti-depressant – is now being used to treat “general pain.” That means if you suffer from discomfort and can’t identify the source, Cymbalta awaits. So do the side effects. You can expect anything from dizziness to low energy and chronic sleep problems as well as sexual difficulties, anxiety and a sensation of “whirling;” being easily annoyed to hemorrhaging to feeling suicidal, just to name a few.

Fact #2: Cytokine-Blockers Lead to Deadly Fungal Infections and Tuberculosis

According to the FDA, the new frontier of rheumatoid arthritis drugs, cytokine-blockers (Humira, Enbrel & Remicade) depress the immune function, which has given rise to serious fungal infections and tuberculosis in patients.

Humira’s own website warns that some patients have died as a result of these infections; that’s how serious they are.

Despite the black box warning, they continue to be approved for use. Cytokines as a whole are anti-inflammatory molecules that are naturally more effective than anything a doctor could prescribe. Blocking them unselectively makes about as much sense as shutting off the water to someone who is dying of thirst.

Fact #3: Humira Increases the Chance of Getting Lymphoma and Other Cancers

The safety warning on Humira’s own website warns that it increases the chance of getting lymphoma. Lymphoma is cancer of the immune system.

Fact #4: The Side Effects of Taking Enbrel are Not Worth Living With

Enbrel will give you headaches, a serious risk of death from an infection, an increased risk of cancer, hepatitis B, multiple sclerosis, blood problems, heart failure, a lupus-like disease, psoriasis and new allergies that did not trouble you before. All neatly contained in a black box warning that comes with each prescription – don’t say they didn’t warn you.

Fact #5: DMARDs Are Not A Safe Alternative

A common DMARD (Disease Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drug) is Methotrexate. It causes headache, infertility, miscarriages, irregular periods, itching, a loss of appetite, nausea, a lowered resistance to infections, sensitivity to sunlight, sore throat, speech impairment, stomach pain, swelling of the breasts, unusual tiredness, vaginal discharge and vomiting.

What DOESN’T it cause?

And those are not even the serious side effects according to researchers! Some of the more extreme ones are severe allergic reactions; bone pain (remember why you’re taking it?); inflammation of the pancreas; mental changes; herpes and unusual pain of the skin. There are actually far too many to list them all. Personally, I would be terrified of getting a vaginal discharge, since I don’t have a vagina!

Fact #6: NSAIDs Cause Gastrointestinal Damage

According to the World Health Organization, the risk factor of stomach damage from NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) like aspirin and ibuprofen is so common that treatment time is a more important factor than the specific drug used, meaning they are all dangerous.

Fact #7: Common Side Effects From Advil Can Easily Be Mistaken For Something Else

The most common NSAID, Advil causes constipation, diarrhea, dizziness, gas, headache, heartburn, nausea and stomach pain or upset. Any one of these could have you back at the doctor’s office with a “new” complaint and if either of you aren’t careful, you could find yourself on several concoctions that would not get you to Margaritaville any quicker.

Fact #8: Celebrex is Not Worth Celebrating

A common prescriptive NSAID, Celebrex has all of #7’s side effects plus a sore throat and stuffy nose. You may think you’re suffering from a bad allergy season or a cold that doesn’t go away, without realizing that your medication is causing the problem. Severe side effects include depression, fainting, fast or irregular heartbeat, hearing loss, seizures, severe headaches, sudden weight gain, vision or speech changes and unusual joint or muscle pain – but you already have osteoarthritis, so how would you figure this out?

Fact #9: Oxycontin Makes You An Oxy-Moron

The new kid on the block for pain is a highly addictive opiate more usually abused by heroin addicts, because it’s more accessible and “cleaner.” Unfortunately, it usually makes you drowsy, weak, gives you dry mouth, makes you sweat and vomit. It also causes hallucinations, difficulty urinating, mood swings, seizures and vision changes, among many other things. If you have to operate any machinery at all, do not take it, for the sake of other’s safety.

Fact #10: Natural Pain Killers Are Abundant

The design of prescription pain killers was inspired by naturally occuring compounds that were shown to melt pain, without side effects! Both Joint FX (arthritis pain) and Relief FX (general pain) designed by The People’s Chemist can help soothe pain day or night. Learn about them at

Kiss Pain and Risk Good-Bye, Naturally

Order now, save 15% on a 3-pack at

Jeff Milano
CEO The People’s Chemist

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Natural Cures Watchdog is published by Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison. He is an award-winning chemist with a masters degree in organic chemistry and author of Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, winner of the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award. Get it free at

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