Subject: ~1-Min Vid on Saw Palmetto!


It's official! I've finally released Palmetto+ and
we are shipping ALL orders!

Before you buy, make sure you watch the short
video to learn how to use this superior form
of saw palmetto.

See it at

Designed to get people off the Gawd-Awful
meds and to avoid radiation and
surgery, Palmetto+ works FAST!

I just got this email yesterday:

"Just an update in my husband...he started
taking Palmetto+ and he told me he slept
through the night because he didn't have
to get up once to go to the bathroom."

"What's amazing is that he really didn't
understand why I ordered it for him.
Even though I explained it to him he still
wasn't convinced, nor did he read
the information I sent him from your

"However since his amazing nights
rest he was eager to read it. He even
thanked me for looking after him
and taking the time to do research on
reputable products such as the
Peoples Chemist."

Watch the new vid and save 15% now at when you buy 3.

Ditch the meds!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Palmetto Plus is the only saw palmetto blend
on the market that doesn't contain additives like
flow agents and preservatives! THE ONLY ONE!
This, by definition, guarantees potency and effectiveness.
But more importantly it earns your TRUST for your HEALTH!

Watch the new vid and save 15% now at when you buy 3.