Subject: ~1 Hour Left on 20% Off Sale!

It was a beautiful Colorado day. I wanted to avoid the daily grind of hate
mail from people who speak more than they I decided on a
mountain bike ride, minus the lycra.

I took my usual endurance supplements (5 Cardio FX and 1 Thermo FX)
and was on the trail in a matter of minutes. Ipod volume on max, I was
screaming downhill.

It happened in a split second. Over my handlebars I flew, only to bounce off
my shoulder - collarbone shattered in half. I hitched a ride home, called a
friend to go back and get my bike.

Once I got home, I poured a big glass of water and downed 4 Relief FX...

I healed in 4 weeks with zero medical intervention. And I never swallowed a
single OTC pain killer. Relief FX was my go to for pain relief, just as it was
for my wife for all her home births.

Few people realize how damaging common pain killers can be. I'm on a
mission to change that. You want to avoid them at all cost.

Is your favorite pain reliever or anti-inflammatory putting your health at
serious risk? The people hospitalized last year because of Celebrex,
Tylenol, Aspirin, Ibuprofen and other NSAID pain relievers didn't think so
either...How many were hospitalized? Try tens of thousands! According to
the New England Journal of Medicine NSAIDS kill over 16,000 Americans

Researchers writing for the medical journal, Hepatology, recently showed
that, "acetaminophen [Tylenol] poisoning now accounts for at least 42% of
U.S. acute liver failure cases seen at tertiary-care centers [large
hospitals] and one third of the deaths."

Take the 16 minute Relief FX Challenge! If it doesn't stop pain in 16
minutes or less, it's FREE.

And for the next ONE HOUR you can get it for 20% off:

Even short term use of over-the-counter meds or prescriptions can cause
your health to tailspin!

According to a recent study reported in the Journal of the American Medical
Association (AMA), even short term use of acetaminophen can cause serious health
problems for your liver. Healthy participants with no sign of liver failure
used acetaminophen at recommended doses for only four days. At the end of
the four days, blood tests revealed significant increases in certain liver
enzymes which have been shown in the past to be key indicators of serious
problems and damage occurring in the liver.

Your liver is your number one weapon against toxic exposure. Just like it
wards off a hangover, it can remove or neutralize toxins from the blood.
It's also mandatory for boosting immunity and protecting the body from
viral and bacterial infection. But it's not invincible. When it gets
damaged, it leaks enzymes into the bloodstream. Your health tailspins!

How to Protect Yourself

So what can you do to avoid these harmful effects if you currently use
Tylenol for pain relief? Your first instinct might be to throw your bottle
of Tylenol in the trash and switch to another popular pain reliever like
Aspirin or Ibuprofen.

Unfortunately, studies conducted on these pain relievers showed similar
harmful affects on the liver, especially in cases of long term use. Not to
mention the long list of other harmful side affects like gastrointestinal
bleeding, ulcers, and heart problems that are responsible for tens of
thousands of hospitalizations of unsuspecting users each year.

Consider Aspirin. Users sometimes drop dead faster than non-aspirin users.
Whether they are taking 75mg or higher, "No conventionally used
prophylactic Aspirin regimen seems free of the risk of peptic ulcer
complications," said the British Medical Journal. Any pain stopping
benefits or cardiovascular cures that might come from the anti-clotting
drug are clearly negated by excess bleeding.

The People's Chemist No-Risk, Pain Relief Solution

These health damaging (and even life threatening) side effects are the
reason I set out to formulate a safe and effective pain killer that was
natural and non-toxic to the liver and rest of the body.

I knew there was no way I could feel comfortable giving commonly used pain
killers like Tylenol or Aspirin to my friends and family...especially not
to my children! I wanted a pain reliever that I could feel confident giving
to people without any fear of long term damage. I began studying the
earliest known pain killer of our time; white willow bark.

Up to 7 Times More Potent

Using modern day chemistry techniques, I was able to curtail the short
half-life of white willow bark, while at the same time increase its pain
melting qualities. My one-of-a-kind blend is known as Relief-FX and it
works fast and lasts thanks to modern day chemistry techniques.

White willow naturally contains a family of molecules known as glycosides.
These compounds are responsible for blocking pain. But they only make up
about 2 to 4% of entire white willow bark. This explained why you needed so
much of it to work and why the pain melting effect doesn't last long enough
to have significant value and benefit.

Utilizing modern day chemistry techniques like organic isolation and
purification, I was able to boost the quantity of glycosides to a whopping
25% - making it up to 7 times more potent than naturally occurring white
willow bark!

To preserve the natural form of white willow bark, I did not remove any of
the other naturally occurring ingredients that work as "buffers" to ensure
safety. These molecules were identified as salicortin, picein, fragilin,
tremulacin and triandrin. And combined, not a single one has caused any
type of liver damage!

Multiple studies have been done on these natural substances showing no
liver damage - even in long term use (no increases in the enzymes that
indicate liver damage and poor liver health) as verified by blood tests.
Surprisingly, tests show it to have double the potency than OTC pain
killers like Motrin. "Willow bark has been shown to be twice as effective
as Motrin in head on studies," commented Dr. Teitelbaum in a recent
interview with OnFitness Magazine.

Take the 16 minute Relief FX Challenge! If it doesn't stop pain in 16
minutes or less, it's FREE.

And for the next ONE hour you can get it for 20% off:

Fast Relief

When increasing the amount of any given medicinal compound, you have to
ensure that it gets absorbed. I utilized a unique ginger extract that is
four times stronger than naturally occurring ginger rhizome. This extract
enhances digestion and absorption by increasing the production of bile, a
major component of proper molecular absorption. This ensures that the pain
melting agents are distributed as fast as possible into the bloodstream.

Using my blend takes away all the worry of excess bleeding and liver
damage, while soothing many forms of discomfort like muscle pain, back
pain, headaches, migraines, even cancer pain!

New Era in Pain Relief

Finally, you can have a pain reliever in your home that you can rely on for
those headaches, back aches, sore muscles, and every day aches and pains
that everyone in your family is bound to run into at one time or another
– and feel 100% safe and confident that the pain it’s taking away
isn’t being traded for even more serious health problems down the road.

Take the 16 minute Relief FX Challenge! If it doesn't stop pain in 16
minutes or less, it's FREE.

And for the next ONE HOUR you can get it for 20% off:

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Relief FX has no risky medication reactions! Take whenever and wherever
for relief! It's even safe to take with alcohol! Save 20% for the next ONE HOUR: