Subject: 1-Hour Left! Why You MIGHT Have PRE-DIABETES!

Why You Might Have Pre-Diabetes!
(1-More Hour Left!)

From Shane “The People’s Chemist” Ellison, M.S.

- Bachelor's degree in biology

- Master’s degree in organic chemistry

- Abandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemist

- Helps people ditch their meds to live young

- Author of 3 Worst Meds & more


Everyone should know this simple, but harrowing fact:

"Drinking calories via soda, juice, coconut water, Gatorade, almond milk and Vitamin Water will lead
to pre-diabetes and/or insulin resistance.

....that's how it works.

There's no escaping it.

As sugar (cane sugar and fructose from juice) ingestion soars over the years, it forces the pancreas to release mass amounts of the "sugar taxi."  

This biochemical taxi shuttles toxic sugar out of the blood and into the muscle cells to be burned as heat or physical work.

But over time, the excessive insulin jams up the process...a traffic jam at the site of the muscle cell prevents insulin from doing its job.

Insulin resistance sets in!

“Insulin resistance” is a description of what happens when muscle cells resist the glucose (sugar) and the nutrient and sugar delivery actions of insulin no longer work!

The normal range for fasting blood sugar is 85–95 ng/dl. But when insulin resistance sets in, levels spike to110–125. 

That’s the start of hormonal ignorance.  And all of these occur:

- Obesity
- Depression
- High triglycerides
- Heart Disease
- High A1C

Ultimately, our hormone receptors become incapable of recognizing their hormone counterparts, and metabolism comes to a screeching halt as blood sugar and insulin levels rise. Our willpower becomes wiped out and the
brain screams eat, eat eat...the body does nothing but store, store store.

As hormonal ignorance dominates, human growth hormone (hGH) fails to preserve the skin and muscle tone, and a host of other hormonal systems
fizzle out, making us candidates for high blood pressure, Type II diabetes, cancer, stroke and heart attack. 

But you're not doomed. You can fix the "gummed-up" insulin receptors with four easy steps!

1. Get off insulin and all diabetes meds

2. Start my 18-Minute workout, FREE APP on iPhone or Android

3. Get off sugary drinks and start drinking purified water and eating healthy fat meals of humane-raised beef, chicken, eggs, avocados, veggies, butter, seeds and nuts

4. Take my true-cinnamon and milk thistle product Cinnergy to reprogram your insulin receptors and lower deadly blood sugar!

--------> 1-Hour Left MASSIVE SPECIAL!

Get 3 bottles of Cinnergy for 15% off!  

I'm also tossing in Lab Report #3, which outlines how to conquer even the most severe blood sugar levels (greater than 300 mg/dl) in a matter of 30 days!  This is a $49.95 value! And you PAY nothing!

No blood sugar is too high for Cinnergy!

Get it at


Dare to Live Young!

The People's Chemist
The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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