Subject: ~1-Hour Left: Sugar > obesity > diabetes > sadness


From Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison, M.S.

- Bachelor's degree in biology
- Master's degree in organic chemistry

- Abandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemist
- Helps people
 ditch their meds to live healthier life

- Author of 3 Worst Meds and Over-the-Counter Natural Cures
- Pilot


Private letter for Sugar-holics

(In a little bit I’ll show you an alternative to feeling better that cost
roughly 30 times less than a prescription med.)

You can buy a lot of things with $1,000 a month.

You can pay off your loans.
You can save for a house.
You can pay off the house much quicker. . . .

But Type II diabetics spend that much, if not more, on meds and insurance.

(That’s a f@#cking house payment!)

Imagine that for a moment!

The reason I am telling you this is that your future ain’t lookin’
pretty if you are an overweight sugar-holic. So…what are you going to
do about it?

Could you dedicate an hour a day to curing yourself by taking the
right botanical products, doing an 18-minute workout and READING
a book?

If not, STOP READING! You've already lost the battle.

Otherwise...otherwise, let me show you:

- how to get rid of your sugar cravings
- lose fat
- lower your blood sugar in a matter of days!

This will be quick, and it’ll make you feel so much better! ☺

First off, whenever you see a cookie, cake, doughnut, soda pop…I want you
to visualize it as a pile of sh#t.

…‘cause folks, that’s what that sh#t is. It’s a pile of white
powdered sh#t!

Also visualize it as being on the level of hard drugs and smoking.

Then visualize yourself sitting there after you ate it:

You feel drained no energy, no will to want to do things, depressed, your
self-confidence and self-esteem is shot to hell . . .

(You’re probably feeling like that already.)

Then after these visualizations, walk away from that sweet poison...

Do this enough times, and it will help you. You’ll feel like a new you.

---------> Spending $1,000 versus $35 a month

Which would you rather spend every month, up to and over $1,000 a month, or
around $35?

Dumb question, right? But isn’t it dumb to wait until you are sick before
you take care of yourself?

# Let me just show you something that costs roughly 30 times less than what
it would cost you if you get diabetes.

I used to be a pharmaceutical chemist. I was part of the problem when it
came to prescriptions and its side effects.

Now I’m part of the solution when it comes to all-natural health, and
spending a hell of a lot less money every month.

As a biologist and organic chemist I’ve built a laboratory to create
quality, natural products with no reported side effects. One of my products
is called Cinnergy…its loaded with true cinnamon and whole herb, milk
thistle extract!

…it’s a Grade A supplement for sugar-holics who may or may not be
overweight. It’s a prevention against diabetes, putting on more weight,
and other health issues.

Fast facts about Cinnergy at a glance:

- Helps cut down sugar cravings.

- Contains highly-concentrated cinnamon bark powder that has shown in many
research studies to imitate the effects of insulin, and increasing glucose
transport into the cells.
In other words: it helps lower your blood

 Cinnergy also contains a highly-concentrated herb that has
active antioxidant ingredients that help detox your liver, so your liver
can help keep you feeling and looking better as you age.
It does this by
filtering your blood that comes from your digestive tract.

It also detoxifies chemicals and metabolizes meds at a much FASTER pace!

There have been no reported side effects.

“But I already have type two diabetes. Will Cinnergy still help me?”

Of course!!!!

Users of Cinnergy have more energy, they lose weight, they have a lot of
self-esteem and a strong positive attitude . . .AND THEY REVERSED DIABETES

So I invite you to try it, to see how well it works for you.

You have to be at least curious about Cinnergy. You have to be curious to
see if it can:

- give you more energy
- help you lose weight
- help you cut down on your sugar cravings
- help you feel better about yourself
- And I’m curious to see how well it works for you!

-----> Get it here:


Add three Cinnergy to your cart and you get an automatic 15% off and
FREE shipping. Plus, I'm tossing in my Sugar Lab Report FREE (A $49.95 value)!
It outlines the absolute best, complimentary products to use with Cinnergy!

Get it instantly as a PDF file when you order 3 Cinnergy at

Dare to Live Young!

P.S. Sale is only going for ONE MORE HOUR!