Subject: 1-Hour Left! Save on Glucosamine Sulfate and FREE Report!

I have something very special for you. But, there's only one hour left!

I just got an email from a fan who was smart enough to "go natural first"
before taking his doctor's advice on a knee surgery:

“Six scopes and a competitive baseball and softball career till I was
48…nine years later I only had about a 75-degree bend in range of
motion,” writes Todd.

“I have taken everything an orthopedic surgeon would give you…Celebrex,
Vicodin, NSAIDs. Knee replacements don’t sound like a great plan to

Instead of getting his knee sliced and diced…Todd used Joint FX!

As The People’s Chemist, I made Joint FX to help people ditch the meds
and surgery…so they can live young!)

“I want to report great results with Joint FX (, Daily
Dose (, and Relief FX ( After 3
weeks of supplements and 15 pounds of weight loss, with decreased sugar
consumption…I now have 120-degree bend with growing strength. I don’t
have to do stairs one at a time. A little mobility has definitely helped.
Thanks so much."

Damn right Todd!

Joint FX soothes knee pain, elbows, wrists, shoulders, and more. It also
REPLENISHES cartilage...aka the squishy material between the joints. Best
of all, there are no side effects!

As an athlete myself, I couldn’t imagine NOT using Joint FX.

It's not like anything you'd ever buy in a store! (glucosamine HCl,
chondroitin...all a joke)

Here's the special offer:

Buy a 3-pack of Joint FX and I'll take 15% off. I'll also ship it for

But wait. There's more value here. Much more.

When you buy Joint FX, I'm going to throw in my latest TPC Lab Report on
Approved Bathroom Products!

Why is that important?

Because right now there are dozens of chemicals being added to your
toothpaste, soap, lotions and creams that are PROVEN TO CAUSE CANCER!

And what's the point in having healthy joints if you're sabotaging yourself
with chemicals?

Get the report and protect your joints! It's free when you buy 3 Joint FX:

How much is the report worth? I can sell it for about $50.

A degree in chemistry is about $80k. A master's degree, even more. If you
went to college then you know...

You know that lab tests are expensive.

You know that you also need to know what you're looking for...

This TPC Lab Report does all the work for you, FREE! It gives you the
names of all the nasty ingredients you need to avoid. It gives you all the
products that ARE FREE of the chemicals and SAFE for your family!!!!

But, you only have 1-hour left!

Get it here:

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Joint FX has ZERO interactions with medications or other supplements.
Save big now at