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The People's Chemist - Straight Talk
Bruce Lee Dead, For What?
(Relief FX Outrage Sale!)
From Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison, M.S.
Bachelor's degree in biology

  • Master's degree in organic chemistry
  • Abandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemist
  • Helps people ditch their meds to live young
  • Author of 3 Worst Meds & more
Thousands of MMA fighters have come and gone.

Like Bruce Lee...Also a famous actor, he starred in "Enter the Dragon," America's first martial arts film.

But then, in an instant he was gone.

He was killed by a "medication" known as Equagesic - a deadly mixture of aspirin and the muscle relaxant, meprobamate.

A friend gave him one dose…and that's all it took.

When the doctors announced Lee's death, it was ruled a ‘death by misadventure.'


They should have called it "death by medicine."

Today we're in the midst of the largest mass poisoning in history — courtesy of "our meds."

It's called "disease inflation," and it's a marketing ploy to get people to swallow more meds, by making you think you're sick or deficient.

Nobody should die from using meds as prescribed.

Yet, according to the Journal of the American Medical Association, death from meds is the #1 killer in USA!

After his dose of Equagesic, Bruce Lee's death was labeled an allergic reactions.

It wasn't.  It was a poison, like all other meds.

Consider, in an August 1998 article published by LA Times, titled "The Truth Behind Life and Death of Bruce Lee," the actor's wife Linda Lee Cadwell berated reporters:

"Having been married to Bruce for nine years and being the mother of our two children, I am more than qualified to give a correct recital of the
facts. Let me pick one glaring falsehood in the story to illustrate my point: Your reporter writes that Bruce died because of taking ‘too much
aspirin.' Besides being false, the tone of the statement smacks of sarcasm and disbelief."

He didn't take too much of anything.

Bruce was only guilty of taking a med, not too much of it.

Sadly, taking just ONE of any med can be "too much."

Think about it.

Even Bruce Lee, the epitome of great physical health, fell prey to this status quo back in 1973. Given his young age and his peak physical
fitness, his death came as a shock.

If anything, it's proof of how risky meds are, no matter what your age.

For everyday pain, there's an easier way. It's called Relief FX.

Final Call: Get 20% off Relief FX!

Short time:

Hurry! The rush is on.

Ditch the meds!

The People's Chemist

Time To Ditch The Meds!
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