Subject: ~1 HOUR LEFT! *Best Thing You Can Do, Right Now for Your Health!

The People's Chemist
1 Hour Left!
Save 20% On Essential Greens
Essential Greens 20% Off
The only real answer to true health is what I call “nutrient logic.” And applying it to your health goals is the #1 best thing you can do to live young!

Let me explain...

As a pharmaceutical chemist, I’ve been studying nutrient logic for more than twenty years, although chemistry has been proving this as far back as when blue- green algae ruled the planet. This forgotten logic dictates that today’s health threats are simply the result of gaping nutrient deficiencies, which can deny the body its ability to grow and heal itself.

Grow and heal encompasses everything from headaches, to depression, cancer to energy levels.

Nutrient logic is vital for your wellbeing…

It addresses malnourishment as the cause and conqueror of illness by filling the corresponding deficiency to restore proper cell function. The process is as simple and logical as resurrecting a dying, sun-deprived plant with sun exposure and water, which initiates photosynthesis for the production of life-giving glucose. That same innate intelligence guides our own health when we obtain essential molecules from nature.

My keen interest in nutrient logic helped me become an award- winning scientist and medicinal chemist for one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies. My studies and experience confirmed that proper nutrient intake is the biggest determinant of overall health, longevity, and athletic performance. A mountain of scientific evidence supports this logic if you really need proof.

As it turns out, nutrient logic has been saving lives throughout history. For thousands of years, diseases like scurvy, pellagra, beriberi, and rickets ravaged millions of people. In the early 1900s, Nobel Prize– winning scientists—people who believed in nutrient logic and had a flair for the scientific method—discovered that these pandemic killers were caused by rampant nutrient deficiencies, not infectious agents. The simple act of filling the nutritional void with select nutrients (not drugs) cured millions of people—inexpensively.

Not a single prescription was required!

Scurvy was eradicated with vitamin C (from citrus fruits, not ascorbic acid), pellagra with niacin (from nutritional yeast), beriberi with thiamine (from rice bran), and rickets with vitamin D from sunshine (not pills). More recently, cholera has been virtually eradicated with salt, sugar, and water, while the threat of congestive heart failure caused by Keshan disease has been overcome with selenium (from liver).

That's why I made TPC Essential Greens.

Despite the barrage of food choices, Americans are suffering from widespread malnourishment. Sugar, pharmafoods, alcohol and medications are powerful nutritive sieves, sucking out what few nutrients most people get…the result is slow decay as felt by poor sleep, low energy, depression and muscle loss.

You can fix it!

For pennies on the pharmaceutical dollar you can BOMBARD your body with a tidal wave for nutritional micro-ingredients that will have you surging with energy and better sleep, while your body works around the clock to create perfect healing.

Meet The People’s Chemist Essential Greens!

Only ONE HOUR LEFT and you can get it for 20% off at:

See full ingredients at:

Trash all the other garbage that’s been sold to you and save 20% off…if you don't fee noticeably better in 2 weeks, let me know and I’ll personally buy you your GREENS of choice!

But hurry, sale ends in ONE HOUR!

TPC Essential GREENS mixes WONDERFULLY with Whey Advanced!  Forward this to our friends and family!  

Dare to live young!

The People’s Chemist

P.S. TPC Essential Greens is a spirulina and organic vegetable blend designed to knock-out nutrient deficiencies and environmental toxins, while putting the immune system into overdrive. A lifetime athlete, dad and pilot, I needed a “nutrient bomb” that would replenish my body with the compounds it needed for shortened recovery times, sustained energy and longevity.

Essential Greens is the answer to that. A true whole food, it provides natural anti-inflammatories, increases glutathione (a must for excreting harmful compounds) and raises nitric oxide (enabling healthy arteries).

Additionally, TPC Essential Greens helps your body mount a defense to the ever growing threat of cancer. With the increased ability to isolate and structurally identify the various phytochemicals found in fruits and vegetables, researchers around the world have confirmed that a wide array of isolated nutrients is among the best ways to stop the invasion of “uncontrolled cell growth” to optimize health, energy and functional lifespan.

Every ingredient in TPC Essential Greens is non-GMO, organic and free of all pesticides, insecticides, and herbicides. It’s the first and only product that brings the farmers market home.

Hurry! Short time.
For 1 more hour, you can get it for 20% off at:
The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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