Subject: ~ Your A1C Results


Success is simple. Learn to follow directions.

When I learned to fly, I was horrible at landings. I overthought

Shifting winds. Density altitude. Descent rate. Ground
effect. Air speed. Everything had to be considered. It was all

Then, I remembered my mantra.

Learn to follow directions.

I had to stop thinking about it for myself and learn from someone who
had done it before me.

So, I headed every word of my instructor.

Soon enough, I was landing my bird with the best of them.

I just completed 700 miles with my son, Blair. We soared the
mountains of Colorado. I had a beer at a brewery and even
spoke to some real live hippies.

Setting down in the wispy winds of Winslow, AZ, I added a touch of
power to compensate for the winds. We hovered over the centerline
and I reminded Blair to always hold the plane off the runway for as long
as possible.

"You want to wait until the wind lets you down. Otherwise, you bounce."

This was one valuable lesson I was passing on to my son.

Learning to follow directions is of course not limited to flying.

It's vital for living young.

On landing, I received this email:

"I did your sugar detox. My A1C check was down from 9.8 in January to
5.4 in June. No metformin as prescribed. They wanted me to take 1500
ml a day. Acted pissed when I told them, "I did it with diet and exercise."

The A1C can sometimes be used as a measure of how well your body
controls sugar. The lower, the better.

If A1C is high, it can mean that you are essentially rotting from the inside.

Technically, it's known as glycation.

Just like spilled honey gets hard on the surface of your kitchen table, so
too can your insides when you eat too much sugar. The excess sugar
simply binds or attaches to other compounds internally. Like linking
together keys to a keychain, the sugar attaches to your hemoglobin.

If glycation isn't controlled, all sorts of bad things happen.

Heart function crashes.

Memory fails.

Erections are weaker.

The list is long.

This fan doesn't have to worry about any of that cr#p thanks to

Good job "Fan of the Day!" I've got a surprise package in the mail for you
bro! (I love sending gifts to people who volunteer their success!)

If you want to be free of glycation and have a healthy A1C, start here:

This is a healthy and simple way to get your A1C in check fast! And you can
get off toxic meds like metformin and Avandia!

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Cinnergy is a potent blend of cinnamon and milk thistle that works
by sweeping sugar out of your blood! Think of it as the sugar janitor.
Without it, your blood gets very dirt. Save 15% when you buy 3 or more