Subject: ~ Toxins in Soap, Cleaning Supplies, and Hair Spray?

We're being attacked from all directions. Silent killers, most people
are oblivious to the myriad of chemicals putting them at risk for

Today's environment is a sea of toxins found in everyday products like
soap, toothpaste, lotion, bottled water and even our "healthy" food...As
a dad of four kids, I'm constantly teaching my kids about these threats.
I even taught them how to make their own soaps (

For each chemical (like triclosan in soap), there are several unwanted outcomes, as highlighted in The New York Times, who published that, "There are estrogenic hormones and neurotoxins and bioaccumulators."

When you can't avoid them, milk thistle can protect you!

The New York University Langone Medical Center recently highlighted this
saying, "Based on the extensive folk use of milk thistle in cases of
jaundice, European medical researchers began to investigate its medicinal
effects. It is currently used to treat alcoholic hepatitis , liver
cirrhosis, liver poisoning, and viral hepatitis, as well as to protect the
liver in general from the effects of liver-toxic medications [including
environmental toxins]."

It showcases the most important part of living young:

"To avoid cancer, you need to focus on finding the cause, not the cure."

...That's where my ultra-potent milk thistle comes into play. Scientists
have proven that it builds a protective shield around cells while
simultaneously improving the bodies ability to escort toxins out of the
body and into the toilet.

Judging from the pink ribbons on Facebook and the alarming number of people
getting cancer, few people are hearing this message. Fortunately, it's
slowly making its way into the public's eye...

5-star resorts are now even putting up signs warning people of
toxic pesticides in the water and food caused by runoff into city tap water....

And research is finally proving the outcome.

In a recent study, researchers found that women who have been exposed to
pesticides have a 30 to 70% increased risk of developing endometriosis - a
debilitating condition that can cause symptoms such as severe pelvic
discomfort, painful periods – and even infertility! It can also lead to
cancer....And it's no secret why.

Endometriosis and cancer are estrogen-driven diseases. The higher the
estrogen - or the estrogen mimic - the higher your chances of being sick.

Sadly, pesticides (and also triclosan in soaps!) are estrogen's twin.

That means they act like the sex hormone, which sets off a destructive
chemical cascade internally. In science, these toxins are known as

For simplicity, I call them "a Really-Nasty Form of Chlorine (RNFOC)."

The RNFOC poses a real and present danger to anyone exposed to pesticides.
It's risky because the RNFOC confers a molecule with a set of super powers
that wreak havoc on the human body.

...Agent Orange, used in the U.S Army's herbicidal warfare program, is a
RNFOC. Other shocking examples are the war gas phosgene, chlordane and

The RNFOC is lethal because it allows poisons to be fat soluble while
rendering the natural defense mechanisms of the body helpless.

A poison that's fat soluble is akin to a bomb exploding internally.

It invades every nook and cranny of the body. Cell walls and DNA – the
genetic map of human life – become nothing more than potential casualties
of war when exposed.

The media downplays the severe risks associated with pesticides. They
spray the news with fuzzy generalizations like, "Fewer companies are using
pesticides these days."

Accumulation of Toxins in Environment

Truth is, they are being used more often. Plus, even if they stop using
them, these overtly toxic substances can build up in our food supply for

As an example, take one of the pesticides guilty of causing endometriosis
and cancer, mirex. It lasts for years, maybe decades, inside and outside of
the body.

In an environmental report, the WHO warned that, "its breakdown products
are equally stable. Because it is practically insoluble in water,
sediments act as a sink for mirex that enters waterways. Mirex
bioaccumulates at all trophic levels and is biomagnified through food
chains. Long-term toxicity, with delayed onset of toxic effects and
mortality is uniformly high. Thus, it appears that mirex presents a
long-term environmental hazard."

Did you read that clearly? Pesticides are cranking up mortality rates!

The best way to protect yourself is using MILK THISTLE while
using everyday products that don't contain chemicals!

Using Cinnergy is like wearing a bulletproof vest!

If you're not using milk thistle, you are running through a field of land

Think any milk thistle can help?


The New York Times just showed that many companies have been exposed for
using milk thistle LACED WITH PESTICIDES! That's right, vitamins
are sometimes contaminated with pesticides!

Start protecting yourself with Cinnergy, the cleanest and most potent milk
thistle in the world.

Learn more at

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist