Subject: ~ This is how we start Monday!

The People's Chemist
Cardiologist Sends Letter to Fan
Cardio FX Letter
This is a real letter, not the contrived or photoshop heavy crap you'll read from the "vitamin hucksters..."

A great way to start a Monday, Melody is proof that we still have some true warriors who know the value in taking charge of their own health and giving the status quo a big middle finger! 

(A big relief from the sorry saps who have zero self-determinism or drive to make a change...they'd rather send endless emails and texts asking ridiculous questions that are easily answered on the website...and they'll do that for YEARS!) 

Today, melody wrote, “I have had 2 heart attacks, 4 stents, and was told the bottom of my heart was DEAD.”

Ugh! To the average person, hearing those words from a doctor might sound like a death sentence.

But Melody didn’t give up. Instead, she reached out for help.

“I wrote you an email asking what I should start with. Cardio FX, it was. I started taking 3 caps 3x a day.”

Great choice!  I call Cardio FX a miracle for the entire cardiovascular system.  It's nature's true gift and very few people are using it!

This natural supplement floods the body with beneficial NUTRIENTS that are designed to strengthen the entire cardiovascular system from the inside out.

By taking Cardio FX (, you can experience results like:
  • More efficient oxygen distribution
  • Relaxed arteries
  • Increased blood flow
  • Easier breathing
  • Increased athletic endurance
  • A stronger heart!
And yes, it also acts as a SHIELD against heart attack and stroke!

Melody started by taking the PERFECT dosage. This decision probably saved her life.

“I am on disability retirement, so I couldn’t afford to buy Cardio FX and take so many of them after about 8 months. So I took 3 caps every few days or so. Boy, did I feel the lack of taking them!”

“But I did as much as I could. I even had my daughter buy me 3 bottles, along with Young Living essential oils!”

What were Melody’s results?!…

“It has been a year now…I went to the DR and had a cardiac ultrasound done. I got this in the mail! I just had to share!”

The pic above is a letter from Melody’s doctor (name blocked out for privacy).

It reads:

“Dear Melody, I am pleased to inform you that your echocardiogram is completely normal. Your heart size, squeeze and thickness is normal. Any damage that may have resulted from your old heart attack has completely recovered. I am glad to give you this good news.”


Melody was ecstatic. “I still have a resting heart rate of 100 and can’t breathe or do much of anything yet…but WOW!!!” she writes.

“I am so blessed to have found your website last year!! I am telling my family about you and am hoping once they, too, try your products that they will have as awesome results too. God Bless You Shane!”

Thanks Melody! Keep living young! Congrats on your amazing health comeback!

Her story is proof that even if you’ve had multiple heart attacks in the past…Cardio FX can still work to improve your heart health.

That’s a letter straight from her doctor!

Don’t let another day go by without protecting your heart.

Stock up on Cardio FX at:

Ditch the meds,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Don’t be complacent about your heart health. Protect yourself from heart attack, stroke, heart disease, and more by using Order 3 bottles and save 15% and I'll SHIP FOR FREE!

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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