Subject: ☛ This Scenario Doesn't Require Meds!

A Loving Wife Confiscates Husband's Statin Drugs, Puts Him on Cardio FX Instead
Our society craves drama between dysfunctional couples. The more abusive, the better. Flip to a reality TV show and you'll see verbal assaults or someone flat out getting punched in the face. Teenage kids yelling at their parents has become the norm on sitcoms.

There's another kind of dysfunctional family, too...Letting your significant other choke down drugs while they decay before your very eyes.

It's all garbage and one reason our TV is rarely on. It's not a reflection of reality.

TPC fans know this...

31-year-old Jessica from Fairbanks, Alaska, wrote to me describing how her husband unexpectedly had a heart attack.

The doctors solution was cholesterol-lowering drugs, for life. As if that would solve the underlying problem of why he had a heart attack in the first place!

"No way," she said. Then she sought out the answer!

How Big Pharma Turns Healthy People into Patients

"Last summer, James (my husband) woke up at 3 am with chest pain, back, arm and jaw pain," says Jessica. "He went downstairs and laid on the couch for it to go away. Finally, at 5 am he woke me up and was describing his symptoms to me so I took him to the ER. His blood work showed elevated enzymes indicating a heart attack. Further investigation and testing found that he had a viral infection causing him to have myocarditis."

Myocarditis is what happens when inflammation takes over the middle layer of the heart wall (called the myocardium). You'll never hear this talked about on reality TV though. It's not exciting enough.

"My husband spent 3 days in the ICU on all kinds of meds," Jessica adds. "His cardiologist recommended a statin for life. My husband was 33 at the time, had never had a health problem, has never been overweight, and walks 8-10 miles a day on his mail route."

See anything wrong with this picture?

If you're the typical American zombie, then this is all normal.  
If you have your sh#t together and are paying attention, then you know it's an outrage!

Guy has a heart attack out of the blue – with no previous health conditions – cardiologist sees opportunity to pimp guy out on medications for as long as possible.

Translation: cash cow for life. Patient is sick for life.

But Jessica, being the good wife she is, knew it was nonsense.

Statins Will Eat You Alive

"As soon as my husband came home, I told him he was not taking statins for life and that was bull crap advice. He took the statins for about 3 weeks and he felt horrible. He had no energy, motivation, or spunk! He was like a zombie!"

No surprise there.

Statins will drain the testosterone and the life right out of you, like a battery slowly dying. 

When I was working on the anti-cancer drug Tamoxifen and discovered that it actually caused cancer, I was told that it made $4 billion a year and that I should get back to work...So, for the record, when you hear someone lost the battle to cancer, it really means they lost the battle to chemo drugs!

..Same outcome if you take a cholesterol lowering medication.

"A co-worker showed me some of The People's Chemist videos online," says Jessica. "I showed them to my husband and everything in them made sense to us and there was no BS in them. I'm a no BS kind of person so I liked them right away. My first thought after watching the videos was to try these ideas for myself and see how they worked for me. I like this company because Shane tells it like he sees it. There's no debate, just take it or leave it. If you're too much of a whiner to suck it up and try it for yourself to see how your body responds, then shut your mouth!"

Stop the Heart Abuse!

Statins are food for zombies. Take them only if you want to go through life feeling tired, mediocre, and lifeless.

Cardio FX is "food" for your heart – it keeps your heart young, strong, and healthy. The result is increased energy, motivation to conquer life, and a rekindling of your passion!

Plus, it's the best way to shield and protect yourself from unexpected heart attacks, clots, and strokes.

"I took my husband off that crap (statins) and switched him to Cardio FX," says Jessica. "He took it everyday for about a year and has had no problems since. His cardiologist says he has no permanent damage and everything is healthy as ever."

Get the Best Protection for Your Heart!

Complacency kills and is the worst form of spousal abuse.

Jessica was kind enough and smart enough to get her hubby off the drugs. Why don't more wives do the same?

"I truly believe our bodies should balance themselves with proper diet and exercise," she says. "I've always been disgusted with pharmaceutical advertising, even as a kid I thought it was crazy to take a pill for this issue and get 50 terrible side effects. That doesn't make sense. No thanks! I researched supplements and realized those a-holes put all kinds of crap like binders, fillers and soy (to name a few) in their 'healthy' products. It's like everyone wants you to be sick so they can make money off of you for being dumb enough to take that shit. That's why I love all TPC supplements. They kick ass! The Cardio FX was excellent for my husband's myocarditis care."

Opt out of the broken heart drama... and get Cardio FX so you can have a near-invincible cardiovascular system.

Who knows – while it's protecting you from unexpected heart attacks and cardiovascular disease, it might even spice up your marriage.
Shane Ellison, MS
The People's Chemist

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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