Subject: ~ The Big Plan To Get Women Hooked On Meds

Women Not Taking Their Meds?!?

According to a new study, women are MORE likely to take their meds if
they've consistently taken their meds in the past.

This was the result of a "major" scientific study that aimed to find
out how to keep women on their meds.

Genius…Is this the modern day discovery of penicillin?

And would you believe the same researchers also found that, "Women
are LESS likely to take their meds if they haven't consistently taken their
meds in the past."

I'm sure the scientific community was rocked by this cutting edge

Lead author Dr. Alfred Neugut, of Columbia University Medical Center in
New York City, summed up his work saying: "A major problem in
medicine in general is when people don't take their medication as

Uh…did the drug sales reps write this article?

"The problem, known as non-adherence, also extends to cancer medicines,
even though they are generally viewed as life-saving or life-prolonging, [Dr.
Neugut] and his colleagues write in JAMA Oncology," says Reuters.

That's a problem?!?

Since when are cancer meds life-prolonging?…Last I checked, every
study done in the last 20 fucking years showed that cancer patients live
longer OFF the med than ON the meds….

On meds or off meds?

What would you choose in light of the facts?

Positioned as a study on patients' level of "compliance" in taking
prescription meds — this non-adherence study highlights how unbelievably
brazen the drug industry is…and all the clowns who support it.

Take Tamoxifen, for example. This so-called "hormone therapy" is really a
cancer-causing drug in disguise. It's been proven to CAUSE cancer…and yet
medical experts shamelessly prescribe it to women, calling it a "hormone

As a young chemist, I actually was hired to work on fixing the problem!

And yet they want better fucking adherence among patients?!?

If you're not outraged, you're willfully ignorant.

"If you were non-adherent to your hypertension or other pills, you were
likely to be non-adherent with your (hormone therapy) pills and vice versa,"
says "Dr" Neugut. "…Whatever trait it is in you, whatever your personal
quirk is that makes you obsessive compulsive or sloppy about your pill
taking, that holds true for your chronic disease pills or oncology pills."

Think about how ludicrous this is. Researchers refer to people who take
their meds consistently as "obsessive compulsive." People who don't are
referred to as "sloppy."

In today's profit hungry medical environment, you're either sick or dead.

I say people who blindly take their meds without questioning the
implications for the health are morons. But in Big Pharma's book, you get
an A+ for compliance.

Congrats…now start digging your grave.

As readers of Over-the-Counter Natural Cures: Expanded Edition
( know, you can't be healthy and on meds at the same

This life-saving book explains how to safely wean off ALL meds, while
creating perfect health in your body by using nutrient logic
( That's what the human body was designed to do.

Outside of an emergency, prescription meds have NOTHING to do with health.

Get real.

Healthy people don't take meds - They read, they exercise, they
avoid sugar, they fight back against a Big Pharma status quo that wants
everyone hooked on meds…all others bitch about my language and how hard
it is to exercise or avoid sugar.

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. The best cure for cancer is not to get it in the first place. Find out
how to block cancer from invading your body by using Daily Dose
( - my safe multi-vitamin loaded with beneficial
cancer-blasting nutrients! I don't give a shit if you take this vitamin or
not…but doing so will automatically protect your body against cancer and
the unwanted effects of aging. (Tamoxifen can't help you do that, sorry.)
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