Subject: ~ [Prostate Alert] Best non-invasive and invasive

Prostate health is a big target for Big Pharma. Unfortunately, not
a single medication is worth the risk.

There's a better way...

Palmetto+ is my natural prostate formula. It’s hands down the best
NON-INVASIVE option for prostate health.

I designed Palmetto+ to not only relieve symptoms of BPH (Benign Prostatic
Hyperplasia), but also to address the root cause of the problem:
hormone ignorance - a state of poor hormone output, balance and

And for just over a year, it's been working wonders...

Palmetto+ stops annoying nighttime trips to the bathroom, preserves your
sex drive, virility, and masculinity…and protects against prostate
enlargement (BPH).

It works because it delivers the most potent forms of saw palmetto and
pygeum, which are both clinically proven to be 100% safe and effective.

A a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 200 men with
BPH, published in the medical journal Lancet, showed that saw palmetto
improved urine flow and reduced the amount of residual urine remaining in
the bladder.

A review published in Current Therapeutic Research showed clinical data
from 2,262 patients, spanning twenty-five years. Results highlighted that
pygeum is an effective and exceptionally well-tolerated treatment for
symptomatic BPH.

As Mother Nature’s prostate cure, Palmetto+ works fast. You can read all
about it at:

For men who have more serious prostate issues, there’s always surgery.
Surgery can work, but it’s always a huge risk. I'm no doctor and
have never even read Gray's Anatomy. But I do know that
surgery should be a last resort — never a first line of defense against
prostate enlargement.

A relatively new procedure called prostate artery embolization (PAE) is being
positioned as the most “minimally invasive” procedure.

I heard about it from a friend who used it successfully for severe prostate
issues. After a few weeks of research and talking with a few doctors,
it seems that the PAE procedure is a good choice over conventional surgery!

(It has fewer side effects than traditional prostate surgeries…including shorter
recovery time and fewer sexual side effects.)

What is the procedure, exactly?

Embolization is defined as “the artificial or natural formation or development
of an embolus.”

An embolus is simply “a blood clot, air bubble, piece of fatty deposit,
or other object that has been carried in the bloodstream to lodge in a
vessel and cause an embolism.”

The idea behind a PAE is to simply reduce blood flow to normal levels so
that prostate cells become starved of oxygen. This will cause them to shrink
due to the decrease in excessive blood flow.

The procedure works like this:

A radiologist makes a tiny incision in either the groin or
wrist to insert a catheter (a small tube about the size of a strand of
spaghetti) into an artery and, using image guidance, directs the catheter
to the blood vessels on both sides of the enlarged prostate gland.

Next, the doctor uses microscopic beads to block the blood flow to
specific areas of the prostate, depriving those cells of oxygen, which
results in the gland's shrinkage.

Let’s be real…the above sounds horrifying. Even if it’s “minimally
invasive,” it’s still invasive.

But if surgery is your best option, research confirms that PAE has a
high success rate.

João Martins Pisco, M.D., an interventional radiologist at St. Louis
Hospital in Lisbon, Portugal, led a study evaluating the long-term
effectiveness of prostate artery embolization (PAE) in 1,000 men. The
research was presented at the Society of Interventional Radiology’s 2017
Annual Scientific Meeting in March 2017.

Results showed that, “Prostate artery embolization gives men with BPH a
treatment option that is less invasive than other therapies and allows them
to return to their normal lives sooner.”

“PAE…maintains its effectiveness for at least three years after
patients undergo the therapy.”

Not bad for a “minimally invasive” procedure.

The PAE is not yet FDA approved. So anyone who wants it must pay out of
pocket. (Insurance programs like Medicare won’t cover it.)

The cost varies depending on where you get the procedure done.

“…the cost is about $6,500 at University of North Carolina Center for
Heart and Vascular Care, $12,000 at Inova Alexandria Hospital in Virginia,
and $12,000-$15,000 at RIA Endovascular in Colorado.”

By the time you add doctor, anesthesia, and hospital costs, it’s much

If you’re willing to travel (a la “medical tourism”), you can get a
PAE at a lower cost in other areas of the world.

For example, the Hospital St. Louis in Lisbon, Portugal (where Dr. Pisco
consults patients) lists their fees as being about $5,000.

You still have to pay for airfare, lodging, etc…

However, if you’d rather stay home and avoid “minimally invasive”
treatments altogether, just use Palmetto+. It’s Mother Nature’s
prostate cure.


Men who use Palmetto+ report sleeping well through the night (without
having to wake up to pee). They’re free from the side effects of BPH
meds…and don’t have to worry about surgery. They still have their sex
drive, masculinity, and vitality in tact…which means they can still chase
their wife around the bedroom.

Plus, they look and feel younger than their peers, and don’t have to fork
over thousands of dollars for fancy procedures.

Stock up at:

…Or get surgery. It’s your choice.

Ditch the meds,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Palmetto+ is Mother Nature’s prostate cure. Using it is a lot
simpler and easier than subjecting yourself to surgery, traveling, medical
tourism…and “minimally invasive” procedures like PAE (prostate artery

Save your prostate:

(Note: Palmetto+ is a “must-have” natural supplement for men 50 up, and
great for preventive health for men 30 and up.)