Subject: ~ Pre-Diabetes Gone in 2 Weeks with This!


If stacked in cash, annual pharmaceutical profits would occupy two thousand
stacks of bills. Each one would be as high as the Empire State Building!
Imagine, you would have more stacks of money than there are tall buildings
in Los Angeles...going up year after year.

As a pharmaceutical chemist, fresh out of graduate school, I walked away
from this drug empire to get people off meds.

That was 15 years ago!

My message was simple. Outside of emergency medicine, you can't be
healthy and on meds at the same time.

I'd never chip away at the massive profits being made, but surely, I'd
get a few people off meds by outlining the massive fraud and outright
criminal activity that takes place to sell them...and one of those frauds
is metformin, which is killing more people than diabetes.

Fortunately, a lucky few are paying attention to my message...A fan
emailed this morning to say, “I am 71 years old and according to the Doctor I
was pre-diabetic, with my last blood test showing a blood sugar level at

“I said no thanks to Metformin after reading about the side effects…and
tried your product Cinnergy instead. I took one per day for two weeks, and
1 every 3 days for the past two weeks. Had my blood sugar tested yesterday
and it has lowered to 87.”

In case you didn’t know, Cinnergy is Mother Nature’s safer alternative
to risky diabetes drugs like Metformin (Glucophage), Avandia, Actos,
Januvia, and Glucotrol.

Unlike those harmful drugs, Cinnergy doesn’t have side effects.
Metformin (also known as “Glucophage”) on the other hand comes with
real dangers: It’s part of a category of drugs known as
“hypoglycemics,” which are associated with obesity, heart attack, heart
failure, and rigor mortis caused by the buildup of lactic acid.

What’s the secret ingredient in Cinnergy? True cinnamon and milk thistle!

Watch the 1-minute video at

If you’re labeled “pre-diabetic” or wish to ward off ward off type II
diabetes, Cinnergy is for you. (You can take one capsule a week, if
you’re not a diabetic.)

It’s packed with organic, medicinal cinnamon — plus milk thistle to
help with liver detoxing. As an added benefit, it blasts through
triglycerides, burning off unwanted fat, and controlling appetite.

When compared clinically to commonly used anti-diabetic drugs, cinnamon
outperforms every time. It successfully lowers blood sugar, triglycerides,
and A1C levels while increasing insulin sensitivity — and without a
single negative side effect.

Another TPC fan, Arthur, straight up ditched his Metformin. He used
cinnamon to get his health back in order:

“I have been using your Cinnergy and AM/PM Fat Loss for over three
months,” he writes. “I stopped my metformin when I started your
products. I just received my blood work results. My sugar and liver numbers
were perfect with out any dangerous side effects. Thank you.”

Nice one, Arthur!

Another person saved from the ravaging effects of Metformin!

…And finally, Linda also saw great results from using cinnamon:

“Since I started taking Cinnergy my numbers have been going down. I have
been taking Cinnergy for 3 weeks and it's just amazing! I will continue
using Cinnergy and see just how far down my numbers will go. I’m happy
with the results so far!”

Cinnergy is a natural supplement, not a drug. But it works far better than
any risky diabetes drug. Why put your health at risk?

Don’t take my word for it…Try your first bottle of Cinnergy and see
what it does to your blood sugar numbers.

Ditch the meds. Especially when there’s a safe alternative available,
known as cinnamon!

To safely lower blood sugar and ward off type II diabetes, use Cinnergy

Hell, you might even find yourself having more energy, sleeping better, and
losing fat off your body…all of which get BLOCKED when your body is
riddled with side effects from prescription drugs like Metformin!

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. The easiest way to benefit from cinnamon is to buy it organically and
use it before meals three times per day. If you don’t want to waste hours
wading through all the crap at the grocery store, just order Cinnergy
(www.getcinnergy) — I’ve packed it full of the most highly potent,
medicinally active cinnamon available, so that you can see the results on
your next blood test. What are you waiting for?!?

Safely lower blood sugar, ward off type II diabetes, detox the liver, and
LIVE YOUNG by using Cinnergy! Order at