Subject: ~ More Dangerous Than Guns!???

Americans spend more money on “health care” than anyone…and yet
we’re the sickest nation in the world…thanks to prescription drugs.

Happy Monday! As most people get ready for the week, many are planning
their week around their prescription meds.

USA consumes 50% of the world's total supply of meds!

Ironically, you’re 9000 times more likely to be killed by your doctor
than by a gun owner...

And yet, the powers at be are constantly working to get you medicated

Enter CoverMyMeds.

CoverMyMeds is a new software used by doctors and pharmacists to obtain
“quick drug approval” for patients.

Translation: CoverMyMeds is a new software used by doctors and pharmacists
to obtain quicker profits for Pharma.

“CoverMyMeds was founded in 2008 with a mission to help patients get the
medication they need to be healthy. We do that by electronically automating
the medication prior authorization (PA) process, saving health care
professionals valuable time and ensuring patients receive the medication
they need to be well,” says the company’s website.

Get your meds faster…die sooner!

NOBODY needs meds to be well.

The software is nothing more than “direct deposit” for drug companies.

Is anyone bothering to ask, “Do we really need all these meds in the
first place?!”

CoverMyMeds was co-founded by Matt Scantland (CEO) and Sam Rajan, a

Scantland said in a 2014 interview with Columbus CEO magazine: “Prior
authorization is a pretty esoteric thing to those outside of health care,
but if you are in the doctor’s office, it is probably your least-favorite
part of the job. And if you’re a patient, getting through this process
can be the difference between managing your illness and getting a whole lot

Who the hell wants to “manage” their illness?

That implies it will be there forever.

The idea is to get rid of the illness and create health…but you can’t
do that while on “CoverMyMeds.”

In fact, outside of emergency medicine, you can’t be healthy and on meds
at the same time.

CoverMyMeds is being heavily promoted by Purdue Pharma — the same company
that was found guilty in 2007 of misleading everyone about the dangers of
Oxycontin. Their actions caused millions of Americans to be injured, get
addicted, and die from using the drug. No one ever went to jail.

Today, it’s business as usual. Purdue Pharma is still selling Oxycontin
— and now they’re pushing CoverMyMeds.

As The People’s Chemist, my job is to help you get off meds so you can
live a healthier more active life. You don’t need fancy software or
approval. You just need a book:

You can read the intro for FREE at

A TPC fan from New York wrote:

“I’m done with meds. I trashed Metformin and tried Cinnergy
( My numbers are far better than meds ever could do.
And I have the energy to take walks at night with my wife. Thanks!”

The book has helped people conquer cancer, diabetes, heart disease and
obesity. And the new EXPANDED version teaches moms how to avoid deadly
pre-natal vitamins, and mountains more…

Get it at

The People’s Chemist

P.S. If CoverMyMeds truly cared about people’s health, they’d be
helping individuals get OFF meds. Instead, they make it easier to get
everyone medicated faster. Stupid.

Meds are for sick people, not healthy people. If you don’t want to be
sick for the rest of your life…read Over-the-Counter Natural Cures
Expanded. It teachers readers how to safely wean off all meds:

P.P.S. Use to protect the liver from toxins (including
prescription drugs!). You’ll be amazed at much better you feel. (Yes,
you can take if on meds currently!)