Subject: ~ It's like health insurance for your heart!


Scientific journals from around the world have confirmed what I’ve been
warning about for years:

People taking prescription heart meds are at a higher risk of dying or
being hospitalized for cardiac procedures compared to those who stay off
prescription drugs.

Think about that...Drugs are the problem, not the solution. Yet, it's a
growing, billion dollar industry.

How bad is it?

Researchers from The New York University School of Medicine, monitored
44,000 people who were at risk for atherosclerosis, or hardening of the
arteries. They wrote that the most common, debilitating side effects of
popular heart medications were:

Upset stomach
Weight gain
Type II diabetes

The simple alternative is naturally occurring hawthorn found in

As an organic chemist, my job was to study natural products for their medicinal
properties, then design and synthesize molecular copycats for Big Pharma.

(They were always more dangerous and less effective.)

Why not just sell the safe and effective natural compounds? Because they
don't come with the monopolistic patent rights that Big Pharma loves...

But, you don't have to worry about that! Anyone can start using!

Just this morning, after waking up with Skyler at 6am and chugging a pot
of yerba mate, I received this email:

“Shane, I appreciate so much the life-saving information I have been able
to find on your pages. Recently I had an elongated episode of high bp
(216/106,etc) for several weeks.  I had been on prescription drugs for
angina, and hi-bp. So when the spiking began the cardiologist took away
some and added more prescriptions. I felt terrible. About that time I found
your website and tried the Cardio FX ( Last check up,
last week, bp was 142/74. Happy days! Oh by the way, I stopped all the
heart and bp scrips, cold turkey to give yours a real test. Thank you!”

The numbers don't lie!

Learn more at

Getting people off drugs,

The People's Chemist