Subject: ✪ How to Delete Asthma and Allergies for Life! (Fan Testimony!)

How to DELETE Allergies & Asthma from Your Life and Breathe More Clearly without Prednisone, Singlulair or Any Other Crap Drug
If you ask me, breathing is a right, not a luxury. It should be something every human being can do easily, without problems.

But for some people, their ability to breathe is jeopardized by allergies, asthma, bad lungs, compromised immunity, or other issues. For them, simply being able to INHALE a breath of fresh air can be as ominous as attempting to climb a 14,000 foot mountain.

Kristine, a 44-year-old legal assistant in Michigan, shared her story of how she overcame her breathing difficulties with Immune FX.

Prescription Drugs Caused Kristine’s Entire Body to Swell Up Instantly...
“I've had life-long allergies, and in the recent past few years, very bad asthma,” Kristine writes. “Constant wheezing and coughing sidelined an entire half-marathon training season.”

“The prescription meds I was taking only caused further problems, (i.e., Prednisone ‘moon face’ and big-time weight gain and lethargy). The inhaled steroids came with risk of oral thrush. Singulair slowed my metabolism, caused lethargy, bloating, etc. And the rescue inhaler caused a racing heart rate, shakiness and even more weight gain with repeated use. And no matter HOW bad the symptoms got, I REFUSED to EVER use Prednisone after the first use!! The almost instant swelling of my entire BODY and FACE, accompanied by the tiredness, was not worth any ‘benefit’ the drug companies claimed Prednisone to have. I told my doctors I would never take it again.”

“So as you can see, none of this was ideal, and none of the meds actually stopped the asthma symptoms from coming back day after day. I HAD to find a better solution!” says Kristine.

Why Allergy & Asthma Meds are Useless

Individuals with asthma or allergies often succumb to asking their doctor for a solution. Unfortunately, most doctors are sociopaths, prescribing patients medications that made them feel even worse.

Similar to trying to clean a dusty room by blowing the dust around, these medications merely attempt to mask the symptoms. They fail to address the underlying cause of allergies and asthma – which is usually a weakened immune system.

Somewhere down the line, Kristine’s immune system was most likely compromised. But rather than focusing on building her immunity naturally, her doctors slapped her with prescription drugs that brought a slew of ugly side effects.

Immune FX Bolsters Immunity Naturally, So You Can Breathe Again!

Kristine says: “Because of the side effects, I discontinued the horrific prescription meds and suffered through the best I could, wheezing and coughing until my husband found The People’s Chemist and suggested I try it. We first found TPC when my husband was doing online research and found The $1.41 Cleanse. What made us trust this company over others was that TPC backed up every claim with research and proof.” 

After just a few days of taking ImmuneFX, I could BREATHE again!!!” she writes. “When I first tried Immune FX, I thought my wonderful feelings to be a placebo effect. That is, until I ran out and after a week or so, the wheezing came back. It wasn’t until I ran out of Immune FX and my symptoms returned did I realize that Immune FX maybe WAS my cure-all.”

What ever happened to all the prescription drugs Kristine had previously been using? They got lonely, due to abandonment.

FOUR prescriptions drugs (an inhaled steroid, an oral med, a rescue inhaler, and a stand-by scrip for when symptoms get REALLY bad, the God-forsaken, worst-ever thought-of drug – at least for me – Prednisone) all now sit in the cabinet,” says Kristine. “Now I SWEAR by ImmuneFX and the occasional Benadryl and/or puff on the rescue inhaler for when I run through some allergen that happens to be too much for ImmuneFX to handle.”

“After renewing my daily dose of Immune FX during allergy season, all I can say is ‘WOW!’ I tell everyone about my ‘Chemist’ and all the good you do.”

Immune FX Speeds Up Recovery Time from the Common Cold

Not only did Kristine gain her breathing back from using Immune FX, she also saved her daughter from a potentially nasty cold.

“My daughter caught a cold that was being passed around her school. Rather than fighting it for a week, ImmuneFX knocked it out in a day and half! We (family) use many of Shane’s products, and they work without lots of side effects.”

If “Moon Face,” a swollen body, lethargy, bloating, and a sluggish metabolism sound appealing to you, then by all means, keep swallowing prescription medications for your allergies or asthma.

But if you want to address the underlying cause of your wheezing, coughing, itching, sneezing, and whatever else, then you need Immune FX.

Immune FX gives your immune system the proper fuel it needs to work seamlessly and ward off allergens and foreign intruders. It contains Full Spectrum Andrographis paniculata and Full Spectrum Coriandrum sativum, trusted ingredients from Mother Nature that put your immune system into overdrive. A scientific analysis of similar products on the market showed that very few offer the full spectrum of ingredients required to provide any protection. (Translation: don’t waste your money on inferior products that attempt to do what only Immune FX can do.)

Not only is Immune FX the secret to breathing clearly, it’s also your secret weapon for staying healthy when everyone else around you is sick from the cold or flu.

She Increased Her Lung Function and Now Breathes EASILY

“By the way,” says Kristine, “my last spirometer readings came back at 122% lung function after suffering from pleurisy a couple of months prior to testing. Asthma? Not suffering today!! It’s only been about two weeks now that I've returned Immune FX to my supplement routine, but I’m back to breathing freely again, and it feels great!”

Kristine’s success story is proof that anyone can conquer their breathing problems. Anyone can outsmart allergies or asthma simply by giving their immune system exactly what it needs to become a tireless rockstar at fighting off invaders.

Stock up on Immune FX now so you'll have plenty of it on hand by the time flu season hits.
Shane Ellison, MS
The People’s Chemist

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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