Subject: ~ HeaLTH ALERT! Chemist's Products Contaminated?

Really quick and important...

When I started The People’s Chemist over 16 years ago, my main goal was
to provide the purest and most potent botanical medicines in the world.
And to do that, I had to apply everything I learned as a medicinal chemist
for Big Pharma, especially in the area of Quality Control (QC)!

Every chemist obsesses over purity.

Want the best cocaine?

Want the best GHB?

Want the best Molly?

Want the best curcumin, hawthorn, true cinnamon and milk thistle?

Well, you better be getting your sh#t from a good chemist!

Unfortunately 95% of people are not getting good sh#t.

Last week I spoke to the head doctor of the UFC and spokesperson for USADA,
the agency that sets the rules on blood doping. They agreed that most
vitamin supplements can’t be trusted.

As a result, ALL athletes are told to abstain from each and every
nutritional supplement.

That’s great advice!

If you don’t trust your source, just stop putting sh#t in your mouth.
And that’s EXACTLY why I wrote 3 Worst Meds (buy now at

I wanted to equip people with the knowledge needed to live young without
meds and tainted supplements!

That means teaching people how to find pure products that don’t contain:

Toxic fillers
Flow agents

But alas, that endeavor often falls short.

Daily, I get emails from fans ranting and raving that my Quality Control
standards have fallen short, or even failed…

Here are two from today:

“I noticed in a bottle of my recent shipment of Palmetto+ that the
material inside the caps are a dark color instead of the usual cream
color.  Is this a new formulation or an error in packaging from your

And this one, which comes across a bit threatening:

“In some of the emails you talk about quality control and how the soaps
of your daughter’s luxury soap biz ( must have
square ends, not round.  Well my recent bottle of the Palmetto+ that I am
taking had a capsule that was empty and I figured okay an extra one got
into the bottle so I tossed it.  It was not until I got towards the end of
the bottle that I realized that the capsule in question was full at one
time but all the contents ended up at the bottom of the bottle.  The
products are not cheap so please make sure that customers get what they pay

Well, well well….

Looks like we have some experts on the case!

(After they’re done watching reruns of Jerry Springer maybe they can come
help me in the lab?)

…this is the kind of “expertise” that forces huge companies to add
colorants, as well as glue-like capsules that NEVER break to their
formulas…but poison your A$$ in the process.

For over a decade I’ve been explaining that, JUST LIKE SUNKIST ORANGES
VARY IN COLOR, my products will vary in color, too.

I mean, just look at the petals of a flower…rose red, to pink to

(I’m asking a lot. You’d have to get off Facebook or stop cutting
coupons for a bit to notice the everyday inconsistencies of nature.)

I could fix the so-called “color problem” by adding titanium dioxide to
the capsule, which would prevent users from ever seeing the color of the
ingredients the first place…you want titanium dioxide pulsing through
your veins?

Second, I use the quickest dissolving capsule in the industry. It comes
straight from nature and guarantees that you get the best absorption!

Want me to use the more sturdy, glue-like product known as hypromellose?

Hypromellose is often referred to as a “veggie-cap.” But, that’s
total bull$hit. It’s from the textile industry and binds to your
insides…blocking absorption and doing a slew of other $hit…in fact
nobody really knows what it’s doing to you.

…maybe it will turn you into a Vegan.

Maybe it will cause you to rant and rave on subjects you failed in school.

Maybe it will cause you to “go gluten-free,” even though you’ve been
shoveling it into your pie-hole for 3 decades…and you clearly don’t
have Celiac disease.

Maybe it will cause you spend a $100k on a f@#cking electric car that
won’t go more than 335 mile on a single charge…

It’s anyone’s guess really. But we do know that swallowing
hypromellose isn’t good! (Shit, imagine if you became a Vegan and a Tesla

Look, my capsules break from time to time ‘cause I actually give a sh#t
about what you’re swallowing. They are thin, natural, dissolve quick and
we source and make them from cute puppies we steal from little girls…

Don’t worry existing fans…I will never change that.

And rest assured, every single product I make at is tested for active, medicinal ingredients
while also verifying that every pill is free of ALL garbage. That means
herbicides, insecticides and the body parts of pain-in-a$$ customers and
left-over puppy parts.

It’s all good at

…we are so good in fact that we are running very low on Daily Dose,
Cardio FX and Serotonin FX (the most amazing sleep pill you will ever
try!). So stock up at

(I will ship for FREE anywhere in the USA! All others pay, but yes, we
will ship worldwide.)

Meanwhile, I implore everyone to learn more about what they are putting
into their body with 3 Worst Meds (buy now at!

I even have colored images to better explain Quality Control!

Better than a book, 3 Worst Meds is a weapon — something you can use to
win the battle for optimal health once and for all. This book will help you
experience measurable results such as:

Fat loss
Increased energy
Better mental outlook
Enhanced libido
Looking younger than your peers
Preserved memory
Total heart health
Vaccine-free immunity
An overall higher quality of life

In addition to exposing the 3 worst meds known to Western Medicine, I’ve
also highlighted the forgotten and often hidden natural alternatives, where
applicable. There are nine of them included! To ensure safety and
efficacy, each recommendation comes with:

Suggested dose
Best time to take

As the chemist who is crazy about quality, I’ve also run dozens of
quality control tests in my lab to verify that my supplement
recommendations aren’t contaminated. A single test can cost up to $5,000,
which is far too costly for the average consumer to do on their own,
especially when multiple products are involved.

My state-of-the-art testing methods are the same ones I used as a bench
chemist for Big Pharma as well as my own company, The People’s Chemist.
As part of my Blue Diamond Series, I’ve included all the test results
free of charge in this book (see last chapter)! A matter of life and death,
this type of razor-sharp laboratory precision is glossed over or even left
out by doctors and online vitamin hucksters!

My methodology for testing purity and potency validates that each product
is naturally sourced (botanical) and not made in a lab (synthetic), which
causes undue side effects and detracts from health.

I also carefully screen for impurities such as pesticides, heavy metals,
preservatives, and microbes from viral or bacterial contamination. And
finally, every product has been tested to ensure that it carries the
active, medicinal ingredients - from nature - required for a measurable
result! Who else can provide that deep level of verification that a
supplement is of high quality?

Get your copy of 3 Worst Meds or buy a copy for a loved one at

Dare to ditch the meds!

The People’s Chemist

P.S. You can also rest assured that all of my suggestions are free of any
financial ties. In other words, I don’t do affiliate marketing. Nobody
can pay me to recommend a product. I either find it of quality, or I

Each referral is based on availability, purity, effectiveness, and safety.
And although I do sell similar products that are held to a very high purity
and potency standard as well (, I realize my
products are not always available or affordable, and have therefore left
them out of my tirade against the 3 worst meds.

Get your copy of 3 Worst Meds or buy a copy for a loved one at