Subject:  Gaining 2.4lbs of Muscle while Losing 3.56lbs of Fat (ThermoFX now shipping!)

From the Desk of The People's Chemist

Barely legal diet pill now shipping!  Limited supply.  First come, first serve! Learn more at:  

Stop Being Frustrated About Your Weight!

I know it can be frustrating trying to figure out how best to lose fat and build muscle.  The diet industry as a whole never gets down the the exact details of they are going to help you.

It’s all about selling you on the contrived looks of Hollywood  or b
ullying you into buying meatless-mush in the name of protecting against heart disease...

Hounding you into torturous exercise programs...

And when all of this fails, they insist you just need more...More pills, more vegetarian meals, more exercise.

It’s impossible to win with any one of these strategies.  Stop being pulled around on the marketing leash like a dog!

Being healthy is all about having lean body mass, period!

Gaining 2.4lbs of Muscle while Losing 3.56lbs of fat 

I’m in no way a bodybuilder or even trying to be the biggest muscle head at my gym.  But I did gain 2.4 pounds of muscle while losing 3.56 pounds of fat (from 12.5% to 10.5%) in only 9 days, with only 5 sessions of exercise!...I was coming off of an injury and wanted to rebound FAST...Do you know how I did it?

One single pill...It’s called a thermogenic aid

A thermogenic aid works to activate a unique set of metabolic switches - known technically as beta-receptors - that rest on the outside of your fat and muscle cells.  Once triggered in response to select diets and exercise, they set into motion a cascade of hormonal effects that favor muscle building and simultaneous fat loss.  Body sculpting begins.  But, if a person is “hormonally ignorant,” these switches are incapable of responding because they have become “resistant.”

Just like someone can be resistant to insulin, so to can they be resistant to the hormones that spark our internal fat burning fire via beta-receptors.  Fortunately, researchers have discovered that certain compounds like citrus aurantium, green tea, guarana, yohimbe, yerba mate and green tea re-sensitize the body so that beta-receptors respond to our hormone intelligence to favor a healthy metabolism.

In fact, learning how to selectively activate beta-receptors with thermogenic aids (termed beta-agonists) is one of the most important scientific discoveries to date because it shows how to reverse hormonal ignorance among those who where previously doomed, despite even their best diet and exercise efforts!  It gives the obese a second chance at living thin and slim.

One of the largest studies ever performed on the use of thermogenic aids was a collaborative effort by Harvard, Columbia, New York Obesity Research Center, and the Research Dept. of Human Nutrition in Copenhagen, Denmark.  The study found that subjects using thermogenic aids even for a short period were able to reduce body weight by up to 11 pounds of fat compared to the group not taking it. With respect to negative side effects it was noted that, “There were no significant adverse effects resulting from treatment.”

The study proved that thermogenic aids were able to:


  • Promote the release of fat from fat stores
  • Stimulate of thyroid metabolism
  • Boost oxygen consumption by increase bronchodilation (the opening of bronchial tubes)
  • Enhance energy capacity due to increased blood flow to the muscles, providing for an increased supply of oxygen and nutrients
  • Elevate energy, mood, motivation and concentration

That’s why I designed ThermoFX.  Unlike other wanna-be products, it has zero synthetic caffeine or additives and works with the body to snap your fat cells out of storage mode and force them into thermogenesis mode by making your receptors more sensitive to its metabolic hormones.  Using the latest techniques in natural product chemistry, I was able to utilize the most potent, whole herb blends to offer an array of thermogenic aids in only one single pill, which has never been done.  

Barely legal diet pill now shipping!  Limited supply.  First come, first serve! Learn more at:  


About this Newsletter

Natural Cures Watchdog is published by Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison. He is an award-winning chemist with a masters degree in organic chemistry and author of Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, winner of the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award. This is a FREE service so that NOBODY IS LEFT BEHIND. Please join him in his efforts to educate the laymen by FORWARDING this email to your friends and loved ones. You can sign up at