Subject: ~ Does Depression Kill?


Depression can kill.

But, all too often, treating depression is worse than
depression itself.

We see this all too often in Hollywood.

Celebrity goes to treatment. Celebrity dies.

There are exceptions. But, after researching depression for 4
years to write a new book (stay tuned), I'm here to say that the
"medical cure" is far worse than the affliction.

For my take on psychiatry, read the link below and please
let me know your comments:

The horrific news on Robin Williams will be used by Pharma to push
more people into treatment, when in reality, "treatment" is the last thing
they need....(It's the drugs, not the depression.)

Dare to Live Young!

The People's Chemist

P.S. What I've learned through depression is that deep restful
sleep can bolster your coping defenses...The medical community
is starting to catch on. Learn how to beat depression with this
all-natural sleep aid: