Subject: ~ Doctor Emails Me About Vaccines


My recent email about the failed measles vaccine sparked a wave of
awareness - MSNBC, BBC and others even contacted me with questions.

Therefore, I've posted it as a blog at the link below.

You can now share on Facebook, email and Twitter.

One doctor reached out to say, "I am an emergency physician with over
20 yrs clinical experience. I have a legitimate medical reason for no more
vaccines. Because hospitals are requiring vaccines no exceptions. I will
soon be unemployable. Was told by head of HR today I MAY win this year but
by 2018, in 3 yrs there will be no exceptions for health care providers. My
fall back was teaching, but schools and universities are doing the same. Do
not use my name or identifying info until this finalizes."

This is how bad it's getting.

Vaccine profits are diving. To compensate, mandatory vaccination is
sweeping the nation. And we're losing good people because of it!

Fight back by sharing the blog and making your comments.

Let me remind you that regardless of your views on vaccines, this
is an issue of FREEDOM. I may not agree with your choice to
vaccinate, but I agree that it's your choice!

Read here:

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

P.S. My all new expanded edition of Over-The-Counter Natural Cures
hit #1 in Herbal Remedies on Amazon yesterday. Not only does this
masterpiece cover vaccination and immunity in great detail, but it also
discusses thyroid health, outlines how to cure diabetes in 30 day and even
offers an exact protocol for curing cancer. No family can live young without
this reference guide. I promise. Read the introduction for FREE at: