Subject: ☛ Detox and Trigger Thyroid at Same Time!


Woman Breaks Free from Generations of Thyroid Medication

Whether you're a friend, family or my taxi driver, I’m going to pitch you on my creations.  It’s a reflection of my passion for medicine and for living young.  

Today, most people are shackled by poor health and living wretchedly boring lives as a result.  A visit to a sterile doctor’s office is like a death sentence at the infirmary - it begets more pills and subsequently more ills.  Apparently, we have a nation too stupid to see the cycle.

I’m doing something about it.  Especially when it comes to getting people off of thyroid meds.  It starts with controlling blood sugar.  That’s why I made an ultra-potent form of cinnamon (free of coumarin) and milk thistle.  The multitude of benefits that comes with both spawned the infamous name, Cinnergy.  (For the slow ones, it’s Cinnergy as in synergy. Get it?  I didn't think so.)

But my friend Lori got it.  She’s no dummy.

Lori's entire family has had problems with blood sugar and as a result, all of them were put on thyroid medication.

She recently emailed me her story to show how well my cinnamon and milk thistle combo - Cinnergy - worked for her.

“I've had blood sugar problems since childhood.  On top of that, I’ve had some ADHD issues and an extremely low thyroid that has run in my family.”

Thou Shall Not Believe in the Myth of ‘Thyroid Problems’

The thyroid is one of many parts of your body that controls metabolism. Your metabolism is simply the conversion of calories to energy.  Without it, you can feel lethargic, unmotivated and depressed.   Your personality exudes weight, like a wet mop.  

Sugar intake was Lori’s first real problem.  It’s everyone’s problem.  And if you don’t know how to spot invisible sugars, your thyroid will constantly fail you.

High blood sugar will smash thyroid function.

This is not new... This concept was acknowledged by Nobel Prize winner Dr. Bernardo Alberto Houssay in 1947!

Hello!  Am I the only one who knows medical history like other guys know trucks and beer?

The award winning doc wrote, “The blood sugar and the production and consumption of glucose are kept within normal bounds, therefore there is an equilibrium between the glands of internal secretions which reduce the blood sugar (pancreas) and those which raise it (anterohypophysis, adrenals, thyroid, etc.)”

Lori’s blood sugar bounced around uncontrollably. Her sugar equilibrium was wobbly and her thyroid function shunted.

With the intention of tackling her blood sugar problem and other health challenges, Lori turned to The People’s Chemist.

“I have known Shane and his wife Lea-Ann since they were in college.  I know that Shane has put a lot of time, research, integrity and passion into what he does.”

Thank you Lori!

Fortunately for her, she started Cinnergy.

“Cinnergy has helped with my thyroid. I’ve been taking it since it came out.  With other things like changes to my diet, my thyroid is getting better. This is a miracle considering that ALL the women in my family have been on thyroid medication since their 30's, and I am 50.”

Cinnergy Reminds Your Body How to Operate Perfectly!

Sometimes, through no fault of its own, the human body becomes addicted to substances that damage it over time. And it “forgets” how to cure itself.

“I have always known that the body naturally has what it needs to heal itself,” says Lori. “It simply needs to be ‘reminded’ of its powers. You can remind it by providing it with naturally occurring ingredients, and it will be able to produce exactly what it needs.”

Sugar cravings, starch cravings, and feeling compelled to eat when you're not hungry – these are all signs of a human body that’s “forgotten” how to cure itself.

Cinnergy reminds your body it’s a powerful machine that can operate to perfection! This powerful formula stabilizes blood sugar levels, cures a slow and sluggish metabolism, burns stubborn belly fat, and makes you look and feel visibly younger.

“Thanks to Cinnergy, I have balanced levels of blood sugar, and no more starch or sugar cravings,” says Lori. “The desire to eat sugar went away completely and stays gone. I feel fantastic now, healthier than I have ever felt, at 50. People tell me, ‘You look very healthy’ and ‘You look great. Looks like you've taken very good care of yourself. How do you stay so healthy and slim?’”

A Supplement with a Conscience 

Unlike most store-bought supplements, Cinnergy is a product with a conscience. It promises a youthful, sexy metabolism at any age, and then delivers on that promise with no apologies. Not one single "Franken-chemical" can be found in Cinnergy (or any of my other products). The People’s Chemist never uses additives like titanium dioxide, calcium, dextrose, maltodextrin, or magnesium stearate.

I've also used state-of-the art chemistry methods to ensure it has every medicinal ingredient required for protection and nothing else.  That means it’s loaded with cinnamaldehyde, which is responsible for controlling blood sugar.  Better, it has ZERO coumarin, an ingredient that is risky for a small percentage of us.

No other cinnamon product in the world can compare...Cinnergy has zero chromium, too!

Don't be Stupid

Sure, you could take the easy way out, deem yourself as having “thyroid problems,” take thyroid medication and make your doctor rich. But that would be like inserting land mines into your body. Expect with certainty they'll blow up and leave an awful mess behind!

Not so with Cinnergy. 

This century-old anti-aging cure comes directly from MOTHER NATURE. 

Cinnergy revives and rejuvenates old, decaying cells in your body by lowering blood sugar. It’s like sending your body an email alert on how to make itself younger.

For Optimal Health, Thou Shall Simply Eat Better and Give the Body What It Needs (Cinnergy!)

While most Americans are busy cluelessly shoveling pies, cakes, donuts, cereal, and juice down their throats while complaining of thyroid problems, Lori is just one more example of what happens when you take control of your blood sugar using Cinnergy. She’s successfully broken through the pattern of women in her family being on thyroid meds. And now she’s unstoppable, without having to resort to willpower.

She sent me this cool pic of her bunjee-jumping. Now that’s what I call living young!

I’m grateful to Lori for being a fan of The People's Chemist and for showing others what’s possible!

Now it’s your turn. Click here to get Cinnergy, so you can get your metabolism working beautifully again, exterminate sugar cravings, blast away belly fat, cure your thyroid, abolish world hunger, and create world peace. (Just kidding on those last two.)

Dare to Live Young,

The People's Chemist