Subject: ~ Chemist: How we heal

We heal with nutrient logic, not meds...

The only real answer to declining health is what I call “nutrient
logic.” As a pharmaceutical chemist, I’ve been studying it for more
than twenty years, although chemistry has been proving this as far back as
when blue- green algae ruled the planet. This forgotten logic dictates that
today’s health threats are simply the result of gaping nutrient
deficiencies, which can deny the body its ability to grow and heal itself.

Nutrient logic addresses this malnourishment as the cause and conqueror of
illness by filling the corresponding deficiency to restore proper cell
function. The process is as simple and logical as resurrecting a dying,
sun-deprived plant with sun exposure and water, which initiates
photosynthesis for the production of life-giving glucose. That same innate
intelligence guides our own health when we obtain essential molecules from

My keen interest in nutrient logic helped me become an award- winning
scientist and medicinal chemist for one of the world’s largest
pharmaceutical companies. My studies and experience confirmed that proper
nutrient intake is the biggest determinant of overall health, longevity,
and athletic performance. A mountain of scientific evidence supports this
logic if you really need proof.

As it turns out, nutrient logic has been saving lives throughout history.
For thousands of years, diseases like scurvy, pellagra, beriberi, and
rickets ravaged millions of people. In the early 1900s, Nobel Prize–
winning scientists—people who believed in nutrient logic and had a flair
for the scientific method—discovered that these pandemic killers were
caused by rampant nutrient deficiencies, not infectious agents. The simple
act of filling the nutritional void with select nutrients (not drugs) cured
millions of people—inexpensively. Not a single prescription was required!

Scurvy was eradicated with vitamin C (from citrus fruits, not ascorbic
acid), pellagra with niacin (from nutritional yeast), beriberi with thia-
mine (from rice bran), and rickets with vitamin D from sunshine (not
pills). More recently, cholera has been virtually eradicated with salt,
sugar, and water, while the threat of congestive heart failure caused by
Keshan disease has been overcome with selenium (from liver).

Over-the-Counter Natural Cures Expanded (
resurrected this knowledge. The book directly opposes using medication
outside of an emergency. Instead, I showed readers how to use nutrient
logic to stave off major diseases and increase vitality—all while saving
money. In a matter of weeks after the book’s release, success stories
started flooding in.

Readers wrote to me to report that they were waking up with younger-
looking, cancer-free skin and resolving never to use chemical-based
sunblock again. Cholesterol-lowering drugs, blood pressure meds, and blood
thinners were being replaced with OTC natural cures to regain
cardiovascular health! More exciting, one emergency room physician emailed
me saying, “I conquered type 2 diabetes in a matter of weeks!” He sent
me the blood test to prove it. His high blood sugar had dropped like an
elevator with a snapped cable.

One fan even shared his story on Amazon, writing that he overcame a
potential melanoma tragedy. Using what I’ve dubbed “the $8 cancer
fighter” (curcuminoids), he applied it directly to the threatening areas
of his skin with honey. Over the weeks, he watched melanoma slowly vanish,
along with his concerns about his own longevity.

Nutrient logic also thwarted an ovarian cancer diagnosis. Opening my email,
I sipped my coffee to find a note from a reader who wrote, “Three months
ago I got a CA-125 test for ovarian cancer. It came back with ‘high
numbers.’ My doctor wanted me to have an ultrasound ($300– $1,000) and,
depending on what it showed, hinted that I get ready to “fight cancer.”
I told him no and used the protocol in Over-the-Counter Natural Cures.
After three months, and at a cost of about $28, I went for a retest. My
results were “normal!” At the same time, I lost 21 pounds of fat and
now feel 17 years younger... I kicked cancer in the butt the easy and
affordable way. Many thanks.”

Without Over-The-Counter Natural Cures (,
these answers to declining health and the success stories wouldn’t exist.
As published in the Journal of Family Practice, physicians have little or no
training in the proper use of nutritional supplements. And the study of
proper nutrition was removed from the medical school curriculum more
than ninety years ago! Even worse, low-cost nutritional supplements don’t
interest major pharmaceutical companies.

Nutrient logic is buried in an avalanche of prescription-drug hype.
Subsequently, more than 200,000 patients die annually—twice as many as
the number of Americans who died in the Vietnam War—from using
prescription drugs as prescribed by their doctors. And because we are not
adhering to nutrient logic, illness continues to proliferate.

Dare to ditch the meds,

The People's Chemist

P.S. The absolute best nutrient logic for the cardiovascular system is
Cardio FX...learn how it busts unruly clots, controls BP and strengthens
the heart at

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