Subject: ~ CEO: Price Hike Coming Soon

The holiday rush is in full swing. Boxes and packing material is
spread across the floors of both warehouses - Chicago and LA.
And we're getting lots of emails from impatient customers.

I get it! I hate being out of my products. At The People's Chemist,
we all are products of our own product. And when we run out, we
get crabby! But please know that we are doing our best.

TPC hit a record breaking year in 2016. Not only that, but we had our
biggest rise in customers, compared to any other year, too! We are
learning how to manage the new traffic!

Thanks for your understanding!

Currently, there is a slight delay in Raw-T and we are running very low
on Whey Advanced and Cardio FX. Stock up at

Last, we are raising the price of Immune FX from $29.95 to $34.95
in TWO DAYS, for obvious reasons of increased demand
and higher costs in sourcing, manufacturing and quality control.

If you want to lock in the lower price and avoid antibiotics for life go

Meanwhile, please be patient with us over the holiday season!

Live young,

Jeff M.
CEO The People's Chemist