Subject: ~ CEO Letter: Save $ on This Today Only!


The older I get, the more I think that the supplement retailers are the
kids who sat in the back of the class, flicking paper footballs at the rest
of us - not paying attention to a single thing and always trying to take
the easy route....and now, they’re the same SOBs hawking cheap
supplements dosed up with synthetic counterfeits of nature.

Let’s face it - those are DRUGS disguised as VITAMINS! The practice
flourishes because it pads the pockets of Big Pharma and they're marketed
as natural, cheap and easy for other companies to sell.

As CEO of The People’s Chemist for over 5 years, I’ve been preaching
this to friends and loved ones until I was blue in the face...Many people
just can’t see past earthy colored labels.

Things like synthetic folic acid, B vitamins, niacin, vitamin D, ascorbic
acid, calcium and processed omega-fats are all made by companies like
Pfizer, Eli Lily, and BASF...So too are the veggie caps they tricked
everyone with, which are really a tile glue known as hypromellose.

In Shane’s book, Over-The-Counter Natural Cures Expanded he showed that
these fraudulent products are causing cancer, obesity, heart failure and
lots more...

But I’m preaching to the choir... I know this because we are selling a
record number of products in USA, UK and recently Canada! It’s been a
mad house. Orders are coming in faster than our staff can unfold a
shipping box.

Clearly, we have the smartest fans...and one just emailed me a thank you,
which prompted this letter. He wrote, “I greatly value that I know TPC is
doing the extra work to source only pure, quality, natural ingredients. So
if the prices are too much, then go put crap in your body and get fat.
I’m working on getting hormonally intelligent and bitching doesn’t burn

Yes! People are starting to recognize the disparity.

So, lets celebrate!

Currently, we’re fully stocked and all products are shipping! In
celebration, we are selling Immune FX for 20% off, plus shipping Shane’s
“8 Weight Loss Lies That Can Permanently Harm You,” absolutely FREE!

This is for today only!

Reserve your shipment now at:

Immune FX is the world’s most potent, all-natural immune booster. With
biological nasties everywhere, Immune FX is your best weapon against all
types of infection – because it works with your immune system, not
against it. It delivers a powerful punch of the natural immune booster
known as ANDROGRAPHIS...It also works to thwart allergies and replaces
having to take crap like ascorbic acid (hawked as vitamin C) and synthetic
vitamin D (hawked as something your body makes naturally, which it

Reserve your shipment now at:

This is 20% off PLUS a FREE audio CD, “8 Weight Loss Lies That Can
Permanently Harm You,” which we sell for $29.95. But, you pay nothing!

Reserve your shipment now at:

Yours in living young!

Jeff M.
CEO The People’s Chemist