Subject: ~ But, what about that hairy landing?


As summer approaches, we all sat down to decide on a summer trip.
And every year, it revolves around flying...where are we going to fly
our 6-seater?

Blair shouted out "Vermont," which is strangely isolated and appealing
to him.

Skyler said "Disneyland."

Lily wants to "hit up" a $uicideboy$ concert in "Naw Orleans."

Mom was up for "wherever," as long as I sit in the best seat, "with Aubrey."

Done. "We fly west to east and we try to do it all," I affirmed!


Blair spoke up, "So you want to fly across the USA with the whole family?"

"Hell, yea."

"That's fun and all, but that means it's just you flying the plane all that

Yep! And I'm ready! It's just a matter of endurance and focus...then I remembered
that "hairy landing..."

I was on a cross country from Los Angeles to Durango, CO, a small
mountain town with a Brewery for every 5 people.

Making our way east, I was expecting the typical cross-winds that swirl
around the local airport. I told myself if it was too fast I’d opt for
the larger runway 5 miles away.

About 30 min out, I listened to the recorded weather.

I was a bit nervous and felt like a prisoner awaiting sentencing…

It didn’t look good. The current wind and my magnetic compass were going
awry already.

The automated weather reported gusts at 29 knots – sweeping directly
across my landing path.

I didn’t expect it to be that strong…

(Student pilots aren’t allowed to fly in anything over 10 knots. Most
airplanes are only certified for 15 knots.)

But, I felt great and was ready…I was trained by the best for these exact

My fearless daughter, Lily, up front, Blair and mom were huddled in the back...

I took the GPS off my yoke for full control. I danced on the
pedals to dial in my senses. That was not typical.

As my plane swayed in the air, my wife asked dryly, “What are you

“Cross-winds,” I replied curtly.


Once in the landing pattern, it got really bumpy. I came in high to avoid
the consequences of an unexpected downdraft.

On final approach I pumped in full flaps so I could set down slow – a
safety precaution I take to keep my landing gear strong.

It wasn’t helping.

The slow speed was ruining my approach. My ship was in rough seas and
I could't stay lined up on centerline...

Rocking side to side, the wind and my plane fought for position.

Almost down, I hoped it would smooth out in ground effect.

If not, I was ready to abort my landing – go-around – by applying full
power and getting my gear up as fast as possible to reduce drag.

I also thought back to what my flight instructor taught me
about landing at Animas – “be ready for anything.”

I was.

A few feet to touchdown, a gust shoved me off the runway and over the

Time for plan B…POWER!

My hands jumped from one control to the next – as if I was playing the
piano – to abort the landing and bring my wings back to life. The jolt of
power and lift forced my wife to yell, “What happened?”

Knowing I was too busy to answer, Lily calmly said, “We are doing a
go-around, papa was off the runway…”

Bigger runway was sounding nice.

But I wanted to see how the plane handled with a different configuration
and higher airspeed. I didn't use flaps. Kept my speed up higher to
retain lift.

Once in the landing pattern again, my plane settled in much better. I was
sticking my crab into the wind like velcro. Flaps up, I had less drag and
therefore, much less for the wind to grab onto.

I didn’t need the larger space. My 2nd attempt was a success.

On touchdown, Lea-Ann and Blair exhaled.

Lily and I watched for stray animals and other potential hazards while
taxiing to parking. At the same time, we pondered where we should eat

Like so many things in life, flying gives us freedom. But it comes at a
cost, which is practice, focus and the energy to ensure your reaction times
are up to snuff.

That’s why I never use medications. All medications today destroy that
which is needed to be at the top of your game: Reaction time.

Cholesterol-lowering drugs steal memory and testosterone.

Blood pressure meds increase weight gain and wipe out energy.

And popular sleep meds shut down mental alertness.

And for pilots, a good nights rest is vital!

So as I plan for this mega-trip across the USA in our Cessna 206, I'll
be making sure I get perfect sleep and the basic foods to keep
my focused and ready for whatever.

The most important botanical medicine will be Serotonin FX

I'll be using it every night for deep restful sleep so that I’m equipped with
“the right stuff” the following day.

Instinctively, we all know we need sleep to be our best. But far too many
people are risking their lives for it with risky sleep meds!

New studies show that people who take prescription sleep aids on a regular
basis are nearly five times as likely as non-users to die over a period of
two and a half years! Those prescribed fewer than 20 pills a year were
still at risk and heavy users also were more likely to develop cancer!

These gruesome facts were recently reported by The New York Times!


Think I could fly a plane after taking sleep meds?

Hell no.

You can’t even take out the trash...

Whether you are an attorney, accountant, waitress, teacher or coach, how
can you be at your best when you are not getting enough sleep?

You can’t!

This is your life! And possibly the lives of others.

That’s why Serotonin FX is so important. It’s an all natural, deep
sleep aid that ensures we are at our best. It’s the guardian of focus,
reaction time and energy!

If it’s good enough for pilots, it’s good enough for you. And kids, too!

Take one minute to learn why Serotonin FX is the best sleep aid ever
developed by watching this short video:

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Serotonin FX is jam-packed with valerian and L-tryptophan! Save 15%
when you buy 3 today at and GET FREE SHIPPING!

++++ There are no risky medication reactions with Serotonin FX! +++++++

Get your focus: