Subject: ~ Are you taking vitamin D?


There's a lot that goes into designing safe and effective
medicine, vitamin and supplement.

Even after 5 years in college studying chemistry, biology and
math I still wasn't ready. Therefore, I marched on to graduate
school to study medicinal chemistry.

My first lesson was that most medicine will kill you.

Today's wanton use of vitamin D is a perfect example.

The vitamin D you get in pill form is not the same vitamin
D your body makes in response to sunshine.

(I still can't figure out how, "You need more sunshine," translates into,
"Take a vitamin D pill." But then again, there's a lot of stupid sh#t I don't

Many of you will kick and scream that you "tested low for vitamin D"
despite sun exposure...Duh. That's the point of the test...for you to fail
so you become a sucker for the pill...

This whole "test" even gets the alternative medicine cranks cranking out
advice to take vitamin D in pill form. Just the other day I came across a
vitamin that was being promoted as "sipping from the fountain of youth!"

That's ridiculous on so many levels...

First, who would sip from the Fountain of Youth?

(Sipping is for wimps. So too are writers who use the word "sipping"
in their sales copy to trick the unsuspecting masses.)

Second, a single dose of this alternative-medicine-gone wrong had 2000
IU of synthetic vitamin D. I'll let the real manufacturer - drug giant BASF -
give you their warning:

“Long-term dosages of 2,000 IU or more of vitamin D per day in adults
may result in the hypercalcemia syndrome. This disease is caused by an
increase in calcium concentration in blood plasma [caused by vitamin D]
leading to severe dysfunction in certain organs, including frequent micturition;
excessive thirst, nausea, and vomiting; endocrine psycho-syndrome; kidney
stones and kidney failure; and calcification of heart, lung, and kidney tissue,
as well as blood vessels.”

So much for sipping from the Fountain of Youth! And so much for alternative
med doctors doing their damn homework!

Stop being scammed and start being educated.

To help people get off the vitamin D, I shamelessly plug

It's saved many. It attacks inflammation, cancer, blood clots and
so much more!

Read and study about it here:

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist