Subject: ~ [Alert] "Vitamins" Send Thousands to ER!

Today can be your best day ever…or it can be another day of poor health.

Your choice!

The pills you swallow (or don't swallow) will determine the
difference…along with your lifestyle and dietary habits.

This year, countless people will choke down toxic supplements in the name
of "health.” This decision will potentially cost them their lives!

"Supplements send about 23,000 people to the emergency room every year,”

That's enough people to fill an entire university!

Looking at data from 2004 to 2013, researchers discovered which supplements
had the biggest track record for sending people to the ER.

The top 3 most dangerous supplements were:

Weight loss, micronutrients, and "other.”

Common side-effects were naseau, liver failure and kidney damage. In
the long run, its usually cancer.

S. Bryn Austin, a professor of behavioral sciences at the Harvard T.H. Chan
School of Public Health, warns that "weight loss, muscle building, and
sexual performance” are the worst supplements to watch out for.

…take your pick. Most are junk in my book!

"The problem with many of these pills and powders is that they have been
adulterated — often with banned pharmaceutical drugs,” says

Adulteration is a huge problem in the supplement and vitamin world.

This is due to a blatant lack of quality control — courtesy of apathetic,
ignorant supplement makers who just don't give a shit. They're merely out
to make a buck.

Plus, the supplement industry isn't regulated. So companies have free reign to do
whatever they want. It's like giving a three-year-old a bunch of markers
and a blank wall…and leaving them unsupervised.

How can you protect yourself and your loved ones?

First, read Over-the-Counter Natural Cures: Expanded
( It reveals the safest, most life-saving supplements
on the planet!

It shows you how to safely wean off all prescription meds and junk
supplements, so you can live a healthier, more active lifestyle. (If you
think supplements are bad, look at the track record of doctor-prescribed
meds! They're even worse!)

This book is a MUST-READ if you want your health to rock this year!

Order your copy now at

Secondly, use to protect your body from cancer,
premature aging, memory loss, bad haircuts, and more. It's the safest
multivitamin on the planet…designed to flood your body with beneficial

Do something good for your health today!

Stock up on Daily Dose at

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Daily Dose is my curcumin-rich, multi-vitamin that shield you from
cancer and memory loss. It's also one of the best anti-inflammatory
products you can take! Learn more at