Subject: If your child is struggling with math, then this is for you. 🤠

If your child is struggling with math, then this is for you. 🤠

June 1st, 2021 at 2:08 pm +08

Hello! Mark here from The Happy Pianist! I'll be continuing my series of FB Live to entertain and educate you during this 'heightened period'. This week, we'll discuss non-music related topics! If your child is struggling with mathematics in primar ...

From piano teaching, to running 2 music schools 😎

May 27th, 2021 at 3:56 pm +08

Hello! Mark here from The Happy Pianist! I'll be going on FB live again tomorrow, Friday 28th May, 8.30pm, and I'll be inviting my friend and fellow teacher, Ms Gresilda! Click this link for The Happy Pianist Pianist Facebook Page. ...

Join me on FB Live this week!

May 24th, 2021 at 3:20 pm +08

Hello! Mark here from The Happy Pianist! It's time for The Happy Pianist to entertain and educate you during this period! I'll be going on Facebook LIVE to interview a few guests to share with you about their music journey, teaching career, and an ...

How to setup Zoom online piano lessons?

May 17th, 2021 at 12:56 pm +08

Hello! Mark here from The Happy Pianist! Do you need help to set up Zoom online lessons? Here's a quick guide for you: Click here for online lessons set up guide. We created this guide so that many of our teachers and students can go online an ...

Tell me what you wishes!

April 29th, 2021 at 8:44 am +08

Hello! Mark here from The Happy Pianist! I'm in the midst of organising The Happy Pianist 2021, and I want to hear from you! Tell me your wishes in this short 5min survey: Click this link for the survey We had a great success for last year festiv ...

Did you miss the festival last year?

April 15th, 2021 at 8:37 am +08

Hello! Mark here from The Happy Pianist! Last year we organised our first ever music competition, The Happy Pianist Festival 2020, open to all students and teachers in Singapore. If you're part of the festival, either as a participant, or a suppor ...

Her mom don't even know she won

April 8th, 2021 at 8:35 am +08

Hello! Mark here from The Happy Pianist! After the Happy Pianist Festival last year, I visited one of the winners' house to hand the trophy to her personally. I had a chat with her mom too, and she said, "I didn't even know my daughter took part i ...

she thank her dad for?

March 31st, 2021 at 8:49 am +08

Hello! Mark here from The Happy Pianist! We have 1 more interview for you! Meet this shy but promising young pianist, Andrea Ong! When I asked Andrea how did her parents support her in the Happy Pianist Festival, she only mentioned about how her ...

first time competing in piano festival... and won!

March 24th, 2021 at 8:52 am +08

Hello! Mark here from The Happy Pianist! Finally, another video interview is up! Meet this young talented pianist, Gabriel Sia! When I met Gabriel, he told me he has no experience playing in any competition before, but thanks to the encouragement ...

he competed in piano festival while prepping his wedding?

March 5th, 2021 at 8:19 am +08

Hello! Mark here from The Happy Pianist! I have something another interesting interview to share with you! Did you know Paul Anthony Soh participated in The Happy Pianist Festival 2020 in the midst of his wedding preparations... and still came out ...