Subject: Want good results from your child? Focus on this first.


Mark here from The Happy Pianist!

Yesterday I had a FB Live session with my friend, John from Learning Out Of The Box. He is known for using creative methods to help children improve their confidence in mathematics.

And in this email, I want to share a very important lesson about getting results from your child.

John has 3 daughters. As a math person, many people thought that his girls will naturally like math (just like him). But sadly, no.

Early this year, his 2nd girl who is in primary school now, is giving him problems. Don't want to listen to him, don't want to do homework, and purposely say things to spite him - "I hate math."

This went on for a couple of months, and John realise something has to change, as he felt the relationship and communication between him and his 2nd girl has broken down.

So he made a decision. To focus on building back the relationship first.

Put aside all the homework, put aside math.

And do things that her 2nd girl likes, together. Her 2nd girl likes gardening, likes cooking.

So for about 2 months, he didn't push his daughter to do math (even though he knows it's an important subject in school). But he just focus on building back the relationship first.

2 months later, her 2nd girl doesn't give him problems anymore, and also pick up math to do herself without his nagging. And their relationship improve too!

Does this sound familiar... to piano students too?

Most kids have the potential to do well in what they are interested in.

But sometimes they choose not.

Maybe they are not happy with the nagging or the pressure given to them. Or the communication between the child and parent has broken down, and the child will do opposite of what the parent says.

So if you would like results from your child, focus on building a good relationship first.

Anyway, if you like to find out more about John and his materials, here's what you can do:

1. Watch the replay of the FB Live
Click this link for FB Live Replay

2. You can join his free FB parent support group:
Click this link for Learning Out Of The Box Parent Support Group

3. Here's the 15% discount code if you'd like to get any of his books:
Code: lobhappy

Hope you learn something today!

*I'm going live again tomorrow Friday 8.30pm. Will let you know in the next email. 

Mark Ng
The Happy Pianist
The Happy Pianist connects potential piano students to qualified and experienced piano teachers in Singapore. A free service for parents and students with no hidden fees, no admin fee, no registration fee. 

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