Subject: “I hate my mom for bringing me to music lessons!” 😡


First of all, Happy Mother’s Day!

Mark here, and I’m sure many of you know I’m the one who helps you find the best suitable piano teacher for you or your child.

But here’s something people don’t know about me.

I’m a music teacher myself!

I play and teach the violin.

I started playing the violin at age 7 years old. And that was me below.
I don’t know why I chose the violin, but I vaguely remember my mom signed up for me.

She bought me a violin, and sent me for violin lessons. That was back in the 1990s.

I started learning for 1-2 years.

My mom is very encouraging. She will prepare me for lessons every week, make sure my violin is well kept after practicing.

And even if I sound terrible, she will still say ‘Jia You!” (Keep It Up in Chinese)

(You must know, violin does sound terrible at the start, because it’s harder to play as a beginner.)

And I also took the ABRSM exams, and completed Grade 3 after 2 years.

But at age 10 years old, around primary 3, I started to lose interest in violin.

My classmates are joining sports CCAs in school, like basketball and football.

As an active boy back then, I also want to join.

I told my mom, I want to stop violin, and play basketball.

Of course my mom says no. Because I have started well in violin, and it’s not good to give up just like that.

That was when I started to hate violin. I hate my mom for bringing me for lessons. I stop practicing at home.

I even skip a few violin lessons to play basketball with my friends during lesson time…until my violin teacher caught me and told my mom. (now looking back, I was quite naughty back then!)

I went home, and my mom sat down with me and we talk.

My mom decide to let me stop lessons for 1 year. And let me play basketball.


So at primary 4, I stopped violin lessons, and joined basketball classes.

Although it’s not something she wished, she still brought me to basketball classes every weekend morning 8am.

But after 3 months, basketball lessons stopped.

Singapore was experiencing haze from forest fire in Indonesia, and my school stopped all outdoor lessons.

So no basketball. no sports. It’s too hazy to go out too.

I was very bored at home.

I tried to find something to do, and I found my violin still kept in the case in my bedroom.

I took it out and started playing some songs I learned previously.

I keep playing and playing, and began to regain my interest in violin music.

I asked my mom if I can join back violin lessons so I can continue to learn more and play songs I like.

My mom says ok! And I went back to violin.

Long story short, I completed my ABRSM Certification, played in a few string orchestras, and became a violin teacher too.

The highlight of my violin journey?

To perform a violin-piano duet together with my wife on our wedding day. 
Why Am I Sharing You All These?

In my work at The Happy Pianist, I work with many mothers to find the best suitable piano teacher for their children.

And I’m very happy to have helped many mothers in this area, as our teachers have made piano learning fun and meaningful for their children, with some kids really gone far in music.

But most of the time, the credit went to the child or the teacher only.

Nothing wrong, because the child does work hard and is disciplined in practicing, and the teacher prepares lessons and guide the child well too.

But little do we know that the mother also plays an important role in supporting the child at the side, encouraging the child when he/she plays badly, creating an environment that is safe for child to practice at home and make mistakes, and also made a lot sacrifices so the child can have the best. 

Just like what my mother did for me. By the way, this is me and my mom on my graduation day. 
So on this Mothers’ Day, I just want to thank all mothers out there for doing your best for your child!

💕💕💕THANK YOU!! 💕💕💕

Note: If you’re the child reading this, then do give your mom a hug for always doing the best for you.

Note: “What about fathers?! Fathers also play a part right?” Hang on fathers! Your day is next month. Let’s just celebrate mothers’ day today! 😀😀

Do you have any mother's day stories to share? Let me know too:)

Mark Ng
The Happy Pianist
The Happy Pianist connects potential piano students to qualified and experienced piano teachers in Singapore. A free service for parents and students with no hidden fees, no admin fee, no registration fee. 

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