Subject: 😉Your dubia care cheat sheet

Got dubia questions? No worries - we've got you covered. Download our free dubia care guide today.

Hi Friend,

Whether or not you're new to dubias, it's normal to have questions from time to time about how to care for them.

So this is just a friendly reminder about our free Dubia Care Guide!

It's a quick cheat sheet with all the basics you need to know to keep your dubias healthy and happy until feeding time, including:

  • Roach-safe foods

  • What never to feed your dubias

  • Safe ways to keep them hydrated

  • The best way to store dubia roaches

  • And much more!

Enjoy, and if you have any questions at all just ask!

All the best,

The Bug Shed Team

P.S. We're switching up sorting days to mid-week now. Everything's updated at this time so if you need dubias order now! :)

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