Subject: 😢Stuck shed?

Stuck shed? Don't worry! Here's what to do to help your shedding reptile.

Hi Friend,

😧"Oh no! Fluffy the Gecko has stuck shed! What do I do?"

If your pet has ever had stuck shed, don't feel bad. Almost all reptile keepers encounter it at one point or another.

So even if you haven't had to deal with it (yet!), it's good to be prepared!

Stuck shed can happen for a variety of reasons, but these are the most common: 

  1. Issues with humidity and/or dehydration

  2. Stress or sickness

  3. Lack of vitamins/nutrients

  4. Low temperatures

Want to know how to help a reptile with stuck shed?

😎Our latest blog shares exactly what to do to prevent and treat stuck shed.

✋(And just as importantly, what NEVER to do if you discover stuck shed on your reptile!)


The Bug Shed Team

P.S. We've just updated our store; quantities on larger size dubias are still very limited so order now if you need them! 

(We are still recovering from this summer's unanticipated high sales volume.  Thank you for your patience as we build our colonies back up. We expect to be back up to full production by the end of the year.)

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