Subject: 🤑Last chance (10% off in June)

Hi Friend,

Well, we did it (and thank goodness the weather gods were good to us!)

Now, the only thing left from our wedding is memories, AND...

just 3 days left

to get

10% OFF

unlimited orders in JUNE, 2021!

Just use coupon code YESIDO at checkout!


Have an awesome week,

Rich & Ona

P. S. This week's blog has nothing to do with weddings but it's something every reptile owner should know. We cover:

  • Why reptiles need calcium

  • Why you need to add calcium to their diet

  • Signs of calcium deficiency in your reptile

  • Why too much calcium can be a problem for your bearded dragon or other pet

  • 3 easy ways to add more calcium into your reptile’s diet.

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