Subject: How Poor Diet Affects Your Reptile 🦎

Learn 5 common health problems caused by diet and 1 simple way to prevent them.

Hi Friend,

When reptiles and amphibians don’t get enough high-quality food, they can develop severe health problems.

For instance, check out these 5 common reptile health issues linked to malnutrition:

  • Metabolic bone disease

  • Broken bones

  • Muscle tremors

  • Paralysis

  • Hypovitaminosis

Thank goodness, it’s surprisingly easy to avoid these health conditions in bearded dragons, crested geckos, leopard geckos, and more.


By simply gut loading your feeder insects in the days leading up to mealtime.  

Not sure how to gut load? No worries.

We wrote a blog explaining exactly how!

Have a good one,

The Bug Shed Team

P.S. Ready to try gut loading? Get your dubias here.

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