Subject: 👂Hear that sizzle? It's coming from your postal truck...

Did you know that the inside of a postal truck in summer can reach temps of 120°? Here's how to avoid DOA's

Hi Friend,

True story: it took about 2 hours for a postman in Phoenix, AZ in to cook a steak from raw to medium rare on the dashboard of his truck.

Most USPS delivery trucks are NOT air-conditioned. Temps on a hot day can easily reach 120° F or more.

Human rights violations aside, what chance do you think your dubias would have sitting for even a short time under these conditions?

Fortunately, there are things you CAN do to prevent overheated roaches and DOA's!

  1. First and most important is to select the HOLD FOR PICKUP option when you place an order. (It's the default for a reason!)

  2. But that's not all: check out our latest blog for 2 more ways you can help us get your roaches to you alive (plus a link to the news story about the steak)!

Stay cool,

The Bug Shed Team

P.S. Need roaches soon? Order now before our prices rise in July!

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