Subject: Dubia inventory update

You may have noticed that we are currently experiencing reduced supply of larger-sized roaches. We just wanted to let you know why!

Hi Friend,

You may have noticed that we are currently experiencing reduced supply of larger-sized roaches. We just wanted to let you know why!

  • Raising dubias is like any other type of farming. We are dealing with natural systems and growth cycles. These don't always mesh with supply and demand!

  • Right now we're at a turnover point for many of our colonies. Older colonies are being retired, and new ones are gearing up to take their place.

  • At the same time, we've had an influx of new business and an uptick in demand for larger sized roaches. That's a good thing! But it will take a little time to adjust.

What to expect: 

  • We may have limited availability of 5/8" and larger roaches for 8-12 weeks.

  • Our 1/2"-5/8" roaches may be closer to the 1/2" end of the range during this time period. (We may throw in a few extra per order to help make up the difference.)

  • We expect supplies of smaller roaches to be unaffected.

What we are doing about it:

  • We have just reviewed our production processes. This helped us identify some things we can do to stay on top of supply and demand in the future.


  • We are giving special treatment to several of our up-and-coming colonies to get them up to size as quickly as possible.

  • In the meantime, if you normally order larger roaches, keep an eye on your email. Each week when we update our inventory, we will let you know right away what is in stock.

Thank you so very much for your patience during this time of adjustment. We appreciate you so much!

Best regards,

Ona & Rich

Owners, The Bug Shed

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