Subject: 5 ways to prevent MBD 🐊

Don't want your reptile getting metabolic bone disease? Read up on MBD prevention and treatment in our latest blog.

Hi Friend,

Metabolic bone disease, (MBD for short) is one of the most common health problems for reptiles.

MBD causes a reptile’s bones to lose density. This can have serious results including broken bones, tremors, and general weakness.

But there’s good news. Metabolic bone disease in reptiles is preventable!

Want to know how to keep your scaly friend safe from MBD (plus treatment options should they already have it?)

Get the deets in our latest blog!

Have a good one,

The Bug Shed Team

P.S. The best way to keep your reptile in good health is through good husbandry and diet. We raise our dubia roaches to provide optimal nutrition to the reptiles that eat them. All dubia sizes up to 5/8"-3/4" are now in stock! 😀

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