Subject: ✨5 Ways to Protect Your Reptile from MBD

MBD is a reptile health nightmare - but it's entirely preventable! Learn how to keep your pet safe.

Hi Friend,

Imagine waking up one day to find your beloved reptile struggling to move, its once-vibrant energy diminished to a mere shadow.

This nightmare scenario is a real concern for reptile owners: caused by a silent, insidious condition known as Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD).

This condition, often lurking beneath the surface, can transform your thriving pet into a weak, suffering creature in a matter of weeks or months.

But there's good news: metabolic bone disease is preventable!

First, we have to understand the cause of MBD: calcium/phosphorus imbalance.

But what causes the imbalance?

As it turns out, many factors can be involved. One is too much fat in the diet (which is why high-fat feeder insects like waxworms are best kept as an occasional treat.)

Check out our blog on MBD to learn:

  • 4 additional root causes of MBD

  • 7 common MBD symptoms

  • Treatment options

  • and more


The Bug Shed Team

P.S. Spoiler alert: the best way to keep your reptile in good health is through good husbandry and diet. Dubia roaches are a great start!  Get some for your scaly friend today.

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